Uroš Abram
Brez naslova XVIII / Untitled XVIII, 2011
fotografija posneta s camero oralis, digitalni tisk na platno / image taken with camera oralis, digital print on canvas
175 x 140 cm
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Naslov serije Telo. Made in Me ironizira industrijsko proizvodnjo predmetov masovne potrošnje, označenih z znamko porekla. Poudarja enkratnost in neponovljivost podobe, hkrati...
For English version please scroll down.
Naslov serije Telo. Made in Me ironizira industrijsko proizvodnjo predmetov masovne potrošnje, označenih z znamko porekla. Poudarja enkratnost in neponovljivost podobe, hkrati pa se izogne avri umetniškosti: podoba telesa je tudi v mojem telesu samo produkt optike v kombinaciji s kemijo. Abram fotografira s camero obscuro improvizirano v ustih. Posnetke karakterizirajo nenadzorovane ekspresivne deformacije, zaradi dolge ekspozicije povsem raztopljena risba in izguba detajla, prstni odtisi in kapljice sline, ki postanejo del estetske celote. Njen upravljalec (avtor) v dela tako vnaša sledi participacije lastnega telesa. Za posvetitev človeškega telesa ga postavi v sakralni prostor, kjer je poudarjena krhka lepota, minljivost in nebeškost podob fotografiranih aktov…
dr. Andrej Smrekar
…the series Body. Made in Me ironizes industrially produced commodities for mass consumption, marked with the tag of origin. It emphasizes the uniqueness and unrepeatability of the image and avoids at the same time the aura of Art: the image of the body even in my own body remains the product of pure optics in combination with chemistry − that is all. Abram photographs with the camera obscura improvised in his mouth. His photos are articulated by expressive deformation due to the long exposition, entirely diluted contours and loss of detail, fingerprints and traces of saliva which contribute to the aesthetic of the image. Operator (the author) thus prints in traces of participation of his own body. He makes use of the sacral space for the consecration of the human body, its frail beauty and transience in the ethereal images of the photographed nudes...
Dr. Andrej Smrekar
Naslov serije Telo. Made in Me ironizira industrijsko proizvodnjo predmetov masovne potrošnje, označenih z znamko porekla. Poudarja enkratnost in neponovljivost podobe, hkrati pa se izogne avri umetniškosti: podoba telesa je tudi v mojem telesu samo produkt optike v kombinaciji s kemijo. Abram fotografira s camero obscuro improvizirano v ustih. Posnetke karakterizirajo nenadzorovane ekspresivne deformacije, zaradi dolge ekspozicije povsem raztopljena risba in izguba detajla, prstni odtisi in kapljice sline, ki postanejo del estetske celote. Njen upravljalec (avtor) v dela tako vnaša sledi participacije lastnega telesa. Za posvetitev človeškega telesa ga postavi v sakralni prostor, kjer je poudarjena krhka lepota, minljivost in nebeškost podob fotografiranih aktov…
dr. Andrej Smrekar
…the series Body. Made in Me ironizes industrially produced commodities for mass consumption, marked with the tag of origin. It emphasizes the uniqueness and unrepeatability of the image and avoids at the same time the aura of Art: the image of the body even in my own body remains the product of pure optics in combination with chemistry − that is all. Abram photographs with the camera obscura improvised in his mouth. His photos are articulated by expressive deformation due to the long exposition, entirely diluted contours and loss of detail, fingerprints and traces of saliva which contribute to the aesthetic of the image. Operator (the author) thus prints in traces of participation of his own body. He makes use of the sacral space for the consecration of the human body, its frail beauty and transience in the ethereal images of the photographed nudes...
Dr. Andrej Smrekar
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