Euro Rotelli
Vibrazioni #43, 2005
digitalni print na arhivski papir z arhivskimi pigmentnimi barvami / archival digital print with archival pigment colours
30 x 24 cm
edicija 3/12 / edition 3/12
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI S kamero želim posredovati svoje razmišljanje, svoja čustva. Trudim se interpretirati, kar vidim, pa tudi, kaj čutim v tistem trenutku, kako doživljam...
For English version please scroll down.
S kamero želim posredovati svoje razmišljanje, svoja čustva. Trudim se interpretirati, kar vidim, pa tudi, kaj čutim v tistem trenutku, kako doživljam to posebno situacijo. S polaroidno tehniko sem lahko popolnoma zadostil svoji želji. S posebnim postopkom, ki sem ga izumil in ki mi omogoča, da sodelujem pri nastajanju fotografije, z njo rokujem in reproduciram iste občutke, ki jih občutim pred nečim, kar me očara, najsi bo to pokrajina, predmet, njegova posebna podrobnost ali pa tudi človeška figura.
Pri Vibracijah mi polaroidni film omogoča sanjski pogled na telo, ki ga skoraj nerealno obarva s svetlobami in sencami. Ustvarjam podobe s površino, za katero je značilna skoraj oprijemljiva nežnost, ki me spominja na občutljivo kožo človeškega telesa. Ti akti zame ne predstavljajo le teles, kakršna so, temveč ponujajo tudi prebliske, ki dobivajo obliko skulptur, del starih mojstrov ali dagerotipov, skrivnostnih oblik, ki se ne razkrivajo v celoti, temveč v sebi nosijo nekaj skritega, skoraj vabijo k razrešitvi skrivnosti, saj so to moški akti v tragični napetosti kot starogrški kip, sladki in skrivnostni ženski zorni kot ali par, ki se združuje v intimnem in harmoničnem plesu. Vsaka podoba me na svoj način posreduje naprej v intenzivnem in živahnem ravnovesju. To čutim, ko ustvarjam in gledam te podobe: vibracije.
Najprej predmet fotografiram s črno-belim diapozitivom. Nato negativ natisnem na površino polaroidnega papirja velikosti 8'' x 10'', predhodno obdelanega s posebnim postopkom, ki sem ga izumil sam. Rezultat je edinstvena fotografija. Nato natisnem 12 večjih edicij na umetniški pigmentni papir, ki jih oštevilčim in podpišem.
Through the camera I mean to communicate my thinking, my emotions. I try to interpretate what I see through my camera but, what I feel in that moment overall, how I am living that special situation. Using polaroid technique, I could completely realize my need. Through this proceeding invented by me that permits me to take part in the photography, handlig it, I can reproduce the same sensations I feel in fron of something that charms me, a landscape, an object or its particular, or an human figure as well.
In VIBRATIONS, the Polaroid film allows me a dreaming view of the body, painting it of lights and shadows, almost unreal. I create images whose surface is characterised by an almost tangibile delicacy which makes me recall the sensitive skin of the human body. For me, these nudes represent not only the bodies as they are, but offer glimpses which take on the forms of sculptures, the works of old masters, or dagherrotypes, arcane forms, not wholly revealed but enclosing something held secret, almost an invitation to penetrate a mistery, as they are male nudes in tragic tension like an ancient Greek statue, or sweet and secret female point of view or couple who join together in an intimate and harmonic dance. Every image communicates me an intense and vibratine bilance. This is what I feel when I create and look at these images: VIBRATIONS.
First of all I take photographs of the subject by black and white diapositive. Then I print the negative on the surface of a sheet of Polaroid paper 8”x 10” previous treated with a special process invented by me. The result is a unique photo. Then I print bigger editions of 12 of each, on fine art pigment paper, numbered and signed by me.
S kamero želim posredovati svoje razmišljanje, svoja čustva. Trudim se interpretirati, kar vidim, pa tudi, kaj čutim v tistem trenutku, kako doživljam to posebno situacijo. S polaroidno tehniko sem lahko popolnoma zadostil svoji želji. S posebnim postopkom, ki sem ga izumil in ki mi omogoča, da sodelujem pri nastajanju fotografije, z njo rokujem in reproduciram iste občutke, ki jih občutim pred nečim, kar me očara, najsi bo to pokrajina, predmet, njegova posebna podrobnost ali pa tudi človeška figura.
Pri Vibracijah mi polaroidni film omogoča sanjski pogled na telo, ki ga skoraj nerealno obarva s svetlobami in sencami. Ustvarjam podobe s površino, za katero je značilna skoraj oprijemljiva nežnost, ki me spominja na občutljivo kožo človeškega telesa. Ti akti zame ne predstavljajo le teles, kakršna so, temveč ponujajo tudi prebliske, ki dobivajo obliko skulptur, del starih mojstrov ali dagerotipov, skrivnostnih oblik, ki se ne razkrivajo v celoti, temveč v sebi nosijo nekaj skritega, skoraj vabijo k razrešitvi skrivnosti, saj so to moški akti v tragični napetosti kot starogrški kip, sladki in skrivnostni ženski zorni kot ali par, ki se združuje v intimnem in harmoničnem plesu. Vsaka podoba me na svoj način posreduje naprej v intenzivnem in živahnem ravnovesju. To čutim, ko ustvarjam in gledam te podobe: vibracije.
Najprej predmet fotografiram s črno-belim diapozitivom. Nato negativ natisnem na površino polaroidnega papirja velikosti 8'' x 10'', predhodno obdelanega s posebnim postopkom, ki sem ga izumil sam. Rezultat je edinstvena fotografija. Nato natisnem 12 večjih edicij na umetniški pigmentni papir, ki jih oštevilčim in podpišem.
Through the camera I mean to communicate my thinking, my emotions. I try to interpretate what I see through my camera but, what I feel in that moment overall, how I am living that special situation. Using polaroid technique, I could completely realize my need. Through this proceeding invented by me that permits me to take part in the photography, handlig it, I can reproduce the same sensations I feel in fron of something that charms me, a landscape, an object or its particular, or an human figure as well.
In VIBRATIONS, the Polaroid film allows me a dreaming view of the body, painting it of lights and shadows, almost unreal. I create images whose surface is characterised by an almost tangibile delicacy which makes me recall the sensitive skin of the human body. For me, these nudes represent not only the bodies as they are, but offer glimpses which take on the forms of sculptures, the works of old masters, or dagherrotypes, arcane forms, not wholly revealed but enclosing something held secret, almost an invitation to penetrate a mistery, as they are male nudes in tragic tension like an ancient Greek statue, or sweet and secret female point of view or couple who join together in an intimate and harmonic dance. Every image communicates me an intense and vibratine bilance. This is what I feel when I create and look at these images: VIBRATIONS.
First of all I take photographs of the subject by black and white diapositive. Then I print the negative on the surface of a sheet of Polaroid paper 8”x 10” previous treated with a special process invented by me. The result is a unique photo. Then I print bigger editions of 12 of each, on fine art pigment paper, numbered and signed by me.
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