Matjaž Krivic
San Pedro de Atakama , 2002 – 2006
digitalni tisk s pigmentnimi barvami na arhivski brezkislinski papir / digital print with pigment colors on archival acid free paper
65,5 x 183 cm
43,5 x 122 cm
32,5 x 91 cm
43,5 x 122 cm
32,5 x 91 cm
edicija 25 / edition 25
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. SVETIŠČA ZEMLJE “Si danes dvignil pogled in videl svoj košček neba? Padel na kolena in okusil svoj delček zemlje? Kdaj ste na zadnje slišali...
For English version please scroll down.
“Si danes dvignil pogled in videl svoj košček neba? Padel na kolena in okusil svoj delček zemlje?
Kdaj ste na zadnje slišali tišino? Popolno in brezpogojno tišino – ne le v svoji okolici, temveč tudi odznotraj. To je danes težko dosegljivo. Že zadnjih dvesto let, od začetka industrijske revolucije, pa vsak dan postaja težje in težje. Moj cilj je zaobjeti vzdušje, ki seva iz teh krajev – naj gre za cerkev, goro, reko ali le kamen v zemlji – da prikažem odmev hvaležnosti in oboževanja častilcev življenja na zemlji – kot ga kažejo sami s tišino in meditacijo. In morda nam to lahko pokaže vse to, kar smo na poti k modernosti izgubili.” Matjaž Krivic
"Have you raised your head today, and seen your piece of sky. Fallen down upon your knees, and tasted your share of earth.
When was the last time you heard silence? Total and utter silence - not only in your surroundings - but also within. That stuff is hard to come by these days. And for the past 200 years, since the beginning of the industrial revolution, it has become harder and harder, every day. On my quest to find the world's silent spaces, I was drawn to places of worship and to vast natural spaces-where people seek inward instead of outward, reconnecting with themselves and with greater forces- and to capture the ambiance radiating from these places, to discover what has been lost on the way to modernity.” Matjaž Krivic
“Si danes dvignil pogled in videl svoj košček neba? Padel na kolena in okusil svoj delček zemlje?
Kdaj ste na zadnje slišali tišino? Popolno in brezpogojno tišino – ne le v svoji okolici, temveč tudi odznotraj. To je danes težko dosegljivo. Že zadnjih dvesto let, od začetka industrijske revolucije, pa vsak dan postaja težje in težje. Moj cilj je zaobjeti vzdušje, ki seva iz teh krajev – naj gre za cerkev, goro, reko ali le kamen v zemlji – da prikažem odmev hvaležnosti in oboževanja častilcev življenja na zemlji – kot ga kažejo sami s tišino in meditacijo. In morda nam to lahko pokaže vse to, kar smo na poti k modernosti izgubili.” Matjaž Krivic
"Have you raised your head today, and seen your piece of sky. Fallen down upon your knees, and tasted your share of earth.
When was the last time you heard silence? Total and utter silence - not only in your surroundings - but also within. That stuff is hard to come by these days. And for the past 200 years, since the beginning of the industrial revolution, it has become harder and harder, every day. On my quest to find the world's silent spaces, I was drawn to places of worship and to vast natural spaces-where people seek inward instead of outward, reconnecting with themselves and with greater forces- and to capture the ambiance radiating from these places, to discover what has been lost on the way to modernity.” Matjaž Krivic
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