Andrej Lamut
Nokturno 38, 2014 -2017
srebrnoželatinska fotografija / silvergelatine print
40 x 30 cm
edicija 1/3 + 1 AP / edition 1/3 + 1 AP
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Nokturno raziskuje izkrivljene vinjete nočnih sprehodov, ki jih fotograf prikazuje kot hkrati strašljive in privlačne. Njegove podobe so prežete z metaforičnimi pomeni,...
For English version please scroll down.
Nokturno raziskuje izkrivljene vinjete nočnih sprehodov, ki jih fotograf prikazuje kot hkrati strašljive in privlačne. Njegove podobe so prežete z metaforičnimi pomeni, v katerih banalne prizore vidimo skozi temačna očala noči. Prizori so v temi osvetljeni le za nekaj sekund, gledalca pa vabijo, da skrivnostnost razvozla sam. Lamut nam predstavi le podobe brez kakršnegakoli konteksta ali podnapisov, s čimer poudarja manipulativno vlogo fotografa, ki k pomenu prispeva ravno toliko kot gledalec sam.
»Nokturno je konkretizacija ambivalentnosti fotografije – fotografije, ki se je odpovedala tako potrebi po resnicoljubni imitaciji objektivne realnosti, kot potrebi po projekciji umetnikovih notranjih občutij na reprezentirani subjekt. S tem projektom bi rad gledalce spodbudil k razmišljanju o njihovi vlogi v ustvarjanju pomena v fotografiji, posebej pa o pomembnosti performativnega procesa v fotografiji.«
- Andrej Lamut
Nokturno (nocturnal) explores the skewed vignettes of night-time walks which the photographer approached as eerie as well as beautiful. His images are filled with metaphoric meanings as mundane scenarios are perceived through the uncanny goggles of the night. Scenes, illuminated in the darkness for mere seconds, invite the viewer to interpret the mystery for themselves. Lamut provides only images, without context or captions, and thus emphasises the manipulative role of the photographer, who contributes to the meaning of his images just as much as the viewers.
"Nokturno is a concretization of the ambiguity of photography – photography that has renounced both a demand to be a truthful imitation of an objective external reality, as well as a demand for the projection of a creator’s inner experience on the object of representation. With this project, I would like to encourage the viewers to think about their role in creating meaning through photography and particularly about the importance of the performative process in photography.”
- Andrej Lamut
Nokturno raziskuje izkrivljene vinjete nočnih sprehodov, ki jih fotograf prikazuje kot hkrati strašljive in privlačne. Njegove podobe so prežete z metaforičnimi pomeni, v katerih banalne prizore vidimo skozi temačna očala noči. Prizori so v temi osvetljeni le za nekaj sekund, gledalca pa vabijo, da skrivnostnost razvozla sam. Lamut nam predstavi le podobe brez kakršnegakoli konteksta ali podnapisov, s čimer poudarja manipulativno vlogo fotografa, ki k pomenu prispeva ravno toliko kot gledalec sam.
»Nokturno je konkretizacija ambivalentnosti fotografije – fotografije, ki se je odpovedala tako potrebi po resnicoljubni imitaciji objektivne realnosti, kot potrebi po projekciji umetnikovih notranjih občutij na reprezentirani subjekt. S tem projektom bi rad gledalce spodbudil k razmišljanju o njihovi vlogi v ustvarjanju pomena v fotografiji, posebej pa o pomembnosti performativnega procesa v fotografiji.«
- Andrej Lamut
Nokturno (nocturnal) explores the skewed vignettes of night-time walks which the photographer approached as eerie as well as beautiful. His images are filled with metaphoric meanings as mundane scenarios are perceived through the uncanny goggles of the night. Scenes, illuminated in the darkness for mere seconds, invite the viewer to interpret the mystery for themselves. Lamut provides only images, without context or captions, and thus emphasises the manipulative role of the photographer, who contributes to the meaning of his images just as much as the viewers.
"Nokturno is a concretization of the ambiguity of photography – photography that has renounced both a demand to be a truthful imitation of an objective external reality, as well as a demand for the projection of a creator’s inner experience on the object of representation. With this project, I would like to encourage the viewers to think about their role in creating meaning through photography and particularly about the importance of the performative process in photography.”
- Andrej Lamut
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