Sara Rman
#3, 2023
polistirenska plastika, akrilni sprej / polystyrene plastic, acrylic spray
35 x 20 x 7 cm
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI V seriji Subtilno se posvečam raziskovanju in eksperimentiranju s polistirensko plastiko kot nosilcem objekta. Proces oblikovanja z ognjem mi omogoča, da ustvarim...
For English version please scroll down.
V seriji Subtilno se posvečam raziskovanju in eksperimentiranju s polistirensko plastiko kot nosilcem objekta. Proces oblikovanja z ognjem mi omogoča, da ustvarim nepredvidljive in različne forme. Vsak objekt v seriji Subtilno prikazuje različne stopnje manipulacije, ki so bile dosežene s kombiniranjem procesa oblikovanja z ognjem ter dodajanjem črnega spreja.
S tem ustvarjam kontrast med gladko in svetlobo odbijajočo teksturo plastike ter mat površino spreja.
In the Subtle series, I explore and experiment with polystyrene plastic as an object support. The process of shaping with fire allows me to create unpredictable and different forms. Each object in the Subtly series shows different degrees of manipulation, achieved by combining the fire moulding process and the addition of black spray. In this way, I create a contrast between the smooth and light-reflecting texture of the plastic and the matt surface of the spray.
V seriji Subtilno se posvečam raziskovanju in eksperimentiranju s polistirensko plastiko kot nosilcem objekta. Proces oblikovanja z ognjem mi omogoča, da ustvarim nepredvidljive in različne forme. Vsak objekt v seriji Subtilno prikazuje različne stopnje manipulacije, ki so bile dosežene s kombiniranjem procesa oblikovanja z ognjem ter dodajanjem črnega spreja.
S tem ustvarjam kontrast med gladko in svetlobo odbijajočo teksturo plastike ter mat površino spreja.
In the Subtle series, I explore and experiment with polystyrene plastic as an object support. The process of shaping with fire allows me to create unpredictable and different forms. Each object in the Subtly series shows different degrees of manipulation, achieved by combining the fire moulding process and the addition of black spray. In this way, I create a contrast between the smooth and light-reflecting texture of the plastic and the matt surface of the spray.