Euro Rotelli
Sleepy Places #18, 2012
digitalni tisk z arhivskimi pigmentnimi barvami na dibondu / archival digital pigment print mounted on dibond
20 x 40 cm
edicija 7 / edition of 7
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Poletni čas sproža asociacije kot so zabava, sprostitev, razvedrilo. Povezan je s klišeji kot prenatrpane plaže, lunapark, glasna glasba… In po poletju?...
For English version please scroll down.
Poletni čas sproža asociacije kot so zabava, sprostitev, razvedrilo. Povezan je s klišeji kot prenatrpane plaže, lunapark, glasna glasba…
In po poletju? Kaj se zgodi, ko poletni oder prekrijejo jesenski zastori? Trume počitnikovalcev se razblinijo, luči ugasnejo in vse poletno se potopi v tiho pozabo. Na dan prikuka nek drug svet: zaspana eksistenca, ki čaka znak, kdaj se hibernacija konča in ponovno prične poletje. Ritual je enak leto za letom.
Včasih se zdi, da s klatenjem po teh mestih duhov in pohajkovanjem po skorajda neresnični tišini motiš sen negibnih objektov. Človeške prisotnosti tukaj ni več, le še spomin nanjo, prekrit s prahom in peskom. Le žarek svetlobe, ki osvetli to očitno opustošenje, je dovolj, da takoj začutimo, da se bo življenje vrnilo s prvimi toplimi sončnimi žarki.
A zdaj še ni čas. Veke se ponovno zaprejo v temo, medtem ko, še vedno čudovito moder tobogan, sanja o vodnem pljusku, ki ga bo popeljal v naslednje poletje.
Euro Rotelli
Summer, let’s say amusement, relax, fun. Summer, just this word itself evokes in our minds a wide range of clichés: over-crowded beaches, funfairs, loud music. But in the end what happens when the autumnal curtain is drawn over these places?
The crowds of vacationers disappear, the lights are switched off and everything sinks into silent oblivion. Another world surfaces and reveals its existence. It is a sleepy world, which is waiting for the timely signal of the end of the hibernation, the awakening to both new and returning life.
The ritual is repeated year after year. Roaming around these ghost villages and walking in this almost unreal quiet, gives you the impression that you are disturbing the sleep of these inanimate objects. Among them, the human presence does not exist any longer, just in the memory covered by dust and sand.
In this apparent desolation, a light glow is already enough in itself to remind us that everything is ready to resume life again with the first warm rays of the sun. It is not yet the time.
Eyelids close again in the darkness, as the slide in the WaterPark, still in brilliant blue, dreams of the water splashes to come in the next Summer.
Euro Rotelli
Poletni čas sproža asociacije kot so zabava, sprostitev, razvedrilo. Povezan je s klišeji kot prenatrpane plaže, lunapark, glasna glasba…
In po poletju? Kaj se zgodi, ko poletni oder prekrijejo jesenski zastori? Trume počitnikovalcev se razblinijo, luči ugasnejo in vse poletno se potopi v tiho pozabo. Na dan prikuka nek drug svet: zaspana eksistenca, ki čaka znak, kdaj se hibernacija konča in ponovno prične poletje. Ritual je enak leto za letom.
Včasih se zdi, da s klatenjem po teh mestih duhov in pohajkovanjem po skorajda neresnični tišini motiš sen negibnih objektov. Človeške prisotnosti tukaj ni več, le še spomin nanjo, prekrit s prahom in peskom. Le žarek svetlobe, ki osvetli to očitno opustošenje, je dovolj, da takoj začutimo, da se bo življenje vrnilo s prvimi toplimi sončnimi žarki.
A zdaj še ni čas. Veke se ponovno zaprejo v temo, medtem ko, še vedno čudovito moder tobogan, sanja o vodnem pljusku, ki ga bo popeljal v naslednje poletje.
Euro Rotelli
Summer, let’s say amusement, relax, fun. Summer, just this word itself evokes in our minds a wide range of clichés: over-crowded beaches, funfairs, loud music. But in the end what happens when the autumnal curtain is drawn over these places?
The crowds of vacationers disappear, the lights are switched off and everything sinks into silent oblivion. Another world surfaces and reveals its existence. It is a sleepy world, which is waiting for the timely signal of the end of the hibernation, the awakening to both new and returning life.
The ritual is repeated year after year. Roaming around these ghost villages and walking in this almost unreal quiet, gives you the impression that you are disturbing the sleep of these inanimate objects. Among them, the human presence does not exist any longer, just in the memory covered by dust and sand.
In this apparent desolation, a light glow is already enough in itself to remind us that everything is ready to resume life again with the first warm rays of the sun. It is not yet the time.
Eyelids close again in the darkness, as the slide in the WaterPark, still in brilliant blue, dreams of the water splashes to come in the next Summer.
Euro Rotelli