Euro Rotelli
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Te podobe kažejo podobo ranljive in ogrožene svobode.
Ta pokrita telesa izgubijo svojo vizualno identiteto v korist tkiva, ki jih prekriva, z njegovo barvo, strukturo in gubami. Tako je ustvarjena igra prisotnosti/odsotnosti, videza/izginotja, notranjega/zunanjega.
Telo je tam, bolj ali manj zaznavno in fantomsko. Skrivanje je oblika skrivnosti, domišljije ali frustracije.
Kljub temu tkivo posreduje tudi kot razkrivajoči element, saj je „on“ tisti, ki je izpostavljen, „on“, ki vse pokriva, „on“, ki je zvit in ki se prilega elementu kot druga koža.
Modra barva je tudi metafora noči, ki jo bere in interpretira gledalec fotografije. Tema, ki prinaša nezavedno in rahlo sanjarjenje, ki vodi v sladko prebujenje.
Te fotografije predstavljajo vrata našega nezavednega, naših skritih fantazij.
These pictures show an image of vulnerable and threatened freedom.
These covered bodies lose their visual identity for the benefit of the tissue that covers them, with its color, its structure and its folds. A game of presence/absence, appearance/ disappearance, internal/ external is so created.
The body is there, more or less detectable and phantom. Hiding is a form of mystery, imagination or frustration.
Nevertheless the tissue also intervenes as a revealing element, because it' s "him" that' s exposed, "him" that covers all, " him" that' twisted and that fits the element as a second skin.
The color blue is also a metaphor of the night read and interpreted by the viewer of the image , in the sense of the term. The darkness that brings unconscious and slight dream leading to a sweet awakening.
These pictures represent the door of our inconscious, of our hidden fantasies.