Tihomir Pinter
50 x 40 cm; edicija 5 / edition 5
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Serija z naslovom Zaklad predstavlja izbor del iz cikla t.i. železarskih fotografij, v katerih je avtor svoj pogled usmeril na detajle železarskih izdelkov. Fotografije so nastajale med leti 1965 in 1990. Pri fotografiranju je izkoriščal le obstoječo svetlobo in ni uporabljal bliskavice. Vse fotografije na razstavi je izdelal avtor sam v srebroželatinasti tehniki na baritni papir, ki dodatno poudarja svetlobne tonalne vrednosti. S serijo Zaklad avtor izpostavlja dve izhodišči, pomembni v njegovem ustvarjalnem delu: v okviru dokumentiranja življenja v železarnah prihaja s posnetki železarskih izdelkov do izraza njegova ljubezen do detajla, do odkrivanja majhnih drobcev, ki pripovedujejo velike zgodbe, do pripovedovanja in branja med vrsticami. Hladnost, surovost, industrijskost železa je le izhodišče za pripovedovanje zgodbe o zavzetem iskanju lepote v uravnoteženih, harmoničnih kompozicijah, zlatem rezu, v tehtanju svetlobnih tonskih vrednosti, igri struktur materijala, v iskanju ritmov in oblikovnih študijah, skratka o ljubezni do likovnih prvin.
The series entitled Treasure presents a selection of works from the series of so-called ironworks photographs, where the artist focuses on the details of ironware. The photographs were created between 1965 and 1990, without flash, using only existing light. All photographs were made by the artist himself using the gelatine-silver technique which accentuates the tonal values of light. In the Treasure, the photographer highlights the principles of his work. In documenting iron foundries, the photographs of ironwork reveal his love of detail, of unveiling small parts which tell big stories, his love of story-telling and reading between the lines. The coldness, rawness and industrial quality of iron provide only a starting point for the story of a passionate quest for beauty in balanced and harmonious compositions, the golden mean, the careful relation between tonal values of light, the play of structures, the search for rhythm and e