Tilyen Mucik
Crithmum, 2021
tisk na arhivski papir / printed on archival paper
30 x 20 cm
edicija 1/5 + 1 AP / edition 1/5 + 1 AP
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Serija je nastala na hrvaški obali, kjer sem na plaži opazovala okolico in rastlinje. Na prvi pogled se je zdelo, kot da...
For English version please scroll down.
Serija je nastala na hrvaški obali, kjer sem na plaži opazovala okolico in rastlinje. Na prvi pogled se je zdelo, kot da je vsa flora enaka, grmičasta in trnjeva, kot nekakšna enobarvna preproga. Iz torbe sem vzela platneno vrečo in šla na sprehod čez skale, preko od sonca ožgane trave in mimo majhnih zalivov. Med podrobnejšem opazovanjem rastlinja sem ugotovila, da na tem področju raste ogromno različnih vrst. Opazila sem tiste čisto nizke, ki plezajo po površju peska, pa tiste, ki rastejo iz razpok v skalah, potem so tukaj še drevesa in grmi, pa plezalke, ki se vijejo po njih... Tako sem nabrala čim več različnih vrst in jih odnesla nazaj na plažo.S seboj sem imela kup spetih listov, ki sem jih odložila na bližnjo skalo in s telefonom ustvarila fotografije nabranih rastlin. Nekatere so bile že presušene, druge imajo zelo mesnate liste, večina jih je povoščenih in vse to kaže na neverjetno prilagojenost glede na dane razmere. Te rastline namreč živijo v zelo slanih pogojih, na žgočem soncu in na zelo vetrovnih mestih. V sukulentastih listih kopičijo vlago, ki jim pomaga v sušnih časih, z voskom se zaščitijo, da iz listov ne hlapi veliko vode, spet druge imajo namesto listov iglice, večina jih je posuta s trnji.Skozi to serijo zopet občudujem evolucijo in mati naravo, boj za preživetje in čudovito raznolikost rastlinskega sveta. Vsem halofitom posvečam ta slani herbarij in se veselim naslednjih obiskov morskih krajev.
The series was created on the shores of Croatia, where I've spent my days on the beach watching the surrounding foliage. At first sight, it seemed that every flora is the same, bushy, and full of thorns, as a kind of mono-coloured carpet. I fished a canvas tote out of my bag and set out for a walk across the rocky shore, past the sunburned grass and small bays of water. Upon closer inspection of the flora, I realised numerous species of plants grew in this area – the lower ones, which climb close to the surface of the sand, then those that grow from cracks in the bare rocks, then the trees and bushes and vines spreading their tendrils over them… I picked up as many specimens as I could and brought them back to the beach with me.
I had some sheets of paper with me, which I placed on a nearby rock and proceeded to take photographs of my collected plants with my camera phone. Some were already dried out, other had thick meaty leaves, and most had waxy surfaces, all of which showed an incredible ability to adapt to their given environment. These plants live in extremely salty conditions, underneath the scorching sun and exposed to extreme winds. They accumulate moisture in succulent leaves, which help them weather times of drought, the wax protects them from losing too much water from their leaves, and some have developed needles or thorns.Through this series, I once again marvel at the miracle of evolution and beauty of mother nature, at the eternal battles for survival and the wonderful diversity of the world of plants. I look forward to my next visit to the sea, and in the meantime dedicate this salty herbarium to all halophytes.
Serija je nastala na hrvaški obali, kjer sem na plaži opazovala okolico in rastlinje. Na prvi pogled se je zdelo, kot da je vsa flora enaka, grmičasta in trnjeva, kot nekakšna enobarvna preproga. Iz torbe sem vzela platneno vrečo in šla na sprehod čez skale, preko od sonca ožgane trave in mimo majhnih zalivov. Med podrobnejšem opazovanjem rastlinja sem ugotovila, da na tem področju raste ogromno različnih vrst. Opazila sem tiste čisto nizke, ki plezajo po površju peska, pa tiste, ki rastejo iz razpok v skalah, potem so tukaj še drevesa in grmi, pa plezalke, ki se vijejo po njih... Tako sem nabrala čim več različnih vrst in jih odnesla nazaj na plažo.S seboj sem imela kup spetih listov, ki sem jih odložila na bližnjo skalo in s telefonom ustvarila fotografije nabranih rastlin. Nekatere so bile že presušene, druge imajo zelo mesnate liste, večina jih je povoščenih in vse to kaže na neverjetno prilagojenost glede na dane razmere. Te rastline namreč živijo v zelo slanih pogojih, na žgočem soncu in na zelo vetrovnih mestih. V sukulentastih listih kopičijo vlago, ki jim pomaga v sušnih časih, z voskom se zaščitijo, da iz listov ne hlapi veliko vode, spet druge imajo namesto listov iglice, večina jih je posuta s trnji.Skozi to serijo zopet občudujem evolucijo in mati naravo, boj za preživetje in čudovito raznolikost rastlinskega sveta. Vsem halofitom posvečam ta slani herbarij in se veselim naslednjih obiskov morskih krajev.
The series was created on the shores of Croatia, where I've spent my days on the beach watching the surrounding foliage. At first sight, it seemed that every flora is the same, bushy, and full of thorns, as a kind of mono-coloured carpet. I fished a canvas tote out of my bag and set out for a walk across the rocky shore, past the sunburned grass and small bays of water. Upon closer inspection of the flora, I realised numerous species of plants grew in this area – the lower ones, which climb close to the surface of the sand, then those that grow from cracks in the bare rocks, then the trees and bushes and vines spreading their tendrils over them… I picked up as many specimens as I could and brought them back to the beach with me.
I had some sheets of paper with me, which I placed on a nearby rock and proceeded to take photographs of my collected plants with my camera phone. Some were already dried out, other had thick meaty leaves, and most had waxy surfaces, all of which showed an incredible ability to adapt to their given environment. These plants live in extremely salty conditions, underneath the scorching sun and exposed to extreme winds. They accumulate moisture in succulent leaves, which help them weather times of drought, the wax protects them from losing too much water from their leaves, and some have developed needles or thorns.Through this series, I once again marvel at the miracle of evolution and beauty of mother nature, at the eternal battles for survival and the wonderful diversity of the world of plants. I look forward to my next visit to the sea, and in the meantime dedicate this salty herbarium to all halophytes.