Tilyen Mucik
VI. Prisilna simbioza / VI. Forced Symbiosis, 2019
digitalni tisk na arhivski papir / digital print on archival paper
40 x 30 cm
edicija 1/3 + 1 AP / edition 1/3 + 1 AP
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI
Delo prikazuje zanimanje do naravnega in umetnega, živega in mrtvega ter sožitja / simbioze med njima. Zanimanje je spodbudila knjiga Skrivno življenje...
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Delo prikazuje zanimanje do naravnega in umetnega, živega in mrtvega ter sožitja / simbioze med njima. Zanimanje je spodbudila knjiga Skrivno življenje dreves (Peter Wohlleben), saj odgovarja na mnoga vprašanja in še več teh poraja. Rastline so bolj žive in aktivne, kot si mislimo, medtem ko jih človekov um dandanes jemlje za statične, neme in najbolj od vsega - za samoumevne. Na drugi strani je zanimanje za umetne materiale, a predvsem posledice njihovega vpliva na naravo. “Prisilna simbioza” simbolno prikazuje preplet različnih materialov in tako na imaginarni ravni prevaja moja zanimanja. Umetniško manipulacijo sestavljajo naravni in umetni materiali prisilno združeni v simbiozo prikazano s tehniko skeniranja. Ker imajo podobe pridih tihožitij oz. mrtve narave je poleg prisotna tudi besedna igra, ki sugerira na mrtvo naravo kot posledico prenasičenosti z umetnimi materiali. Skenografija mi v tem primeru omogoča zelo nazoren prikaz plastičnosti, prosojnosti in odsevnost ter na drugi strani organskosti, mehkobe in minljivosti vsega živega.
- Tilyen Mucik
The works show an interest in the natural and artificial, living and dead and the symbiosis between them. The interest was developed after reading the book The Secret Lives of Trees (Peter Wohlleben), which answers many questions and opens up several others. Plants are more alive and active than we tend to think, even though the human mentality considers them to be static, mute and most of all self evident. Another aspect of this series is an interest in artificial materials and especially the impact they have on the environment. “Forced Symbiosis” symbolically represents the interconnection of different materials and conveys my own interests on an imaginative level. Natural and synthetic materials, forcibly joined into a symbiosis with the technique of scanning, make up this artistic manipulation. Because the images have connotations of still life or natura morta, an aspect of word play is also present, which suggests dead nature as a consequence of oversaturation with synthetic materials. In this case, scanning allows for a detailed depiction of plasticity, transparency and reflection, but also of the organic, soft and transient characteristics of all living things.
- Tilyen Mucik