Matjaž Krivic
PLAN B 40, 2019
digitalni tisk na arhivski papir / digital print on archival paper
81 x 122 cm
30 x 45 cm
30 x 45 cm
edicija 5 + 2 AP / edition 5 + 2 AP
Serija: PLAN B
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI PLAN B - KAKO NE IZGUBITI UPANJA V ČASU PODNEBNE KRIZE Ljudje po vsem svetu se ne želijo sprijazniti z mračno prihodnostjo...
For English version please scroll down.
Ljudje po vsem svetu se ne želijo sprijazniti z mračno prihodnostjo pregretega planeta. To je zgodba o pionirjih trajnostne energije in o tem, kako spreminjajo svoje družbe in navdihujejo druge, da jim sledijo.
Pred štirimi leti sva se z večkrat nagrajenim novinarjem Boštjanom Videmškom odločila, da začneva nov projekt, ki se bo osredotočil na svetovno podnebno krizo - na naš boj proti grozljivim posledicam podnebne krize, ki jo je povzročil človek, na najpomembnejši, ključni fronti človeštva in našega časa.
Po obsežni raziskavi sva začela dolgo pot, na kateri sva iskala najboljše rešitve po svetu, ki jih je vodila skupnost.
Projekt PLAN B je zbirka najbolj obetavnih projektov v boju proti podnebni krizi.
Namesto da bi ponavljali številke in izrekali še več apokaliptičnih napovedi, smo se odločili izpostaviti skupnosti in posameznike, ki se pogumno spopadajo s to katastrofo. Skrajni čas je, da jih seštejemo, pripadnike prave elite homo sapiensa, ki so se odločili, da jih ne bo odnesel val brezbrižnosti in arogance, vizionarske ženske in moške, ki ne računajo na čudežno odrešitev od drugod.
Naša ambicija je bila, da bi ta projekt spremenili v spomenik tem neustrašnim borcem na ključni fronti človeštva, ki zbirajo znanje, izkušnje in tehnologijo, ki jih bomo potrebovali, če želimo sploh še imeti upanje na boljšo prihodnost.
Od Tilosa, prvega energetsko samozadostnega otoka v Sredozemlju, do geotermalne in v prihodnost usmerjene Islandije. Od obetavnega razvoja morske energije na Orkneyjevih otokih na severovzhodu Škotske, kjer presežke energije že predelujejo v "zeleni" vodik, do avstrijskega mesteca Güssing, osredotočenega na biomaso, katerega prebivalci so že pred četrt stoletja ubrali pot napredka in ki se je do danes uspelo preleviti v ključno središče razvoja in proizvodnje tehnologije obnovljivih virov energije.
Tukaj so vsi, ki vas ponižno prosijo za pozornost. Od švicarskega podjetja Climeworks, ki zajema ogljikov dioksid neposredno iz zraka in ga vbrizgava v islandsko podzemlje, do številnih samozadostnih skandinavskih vasi in celostne preobrazbe Islandije. Od litija, ki nenehno potuje med bolivijskimi solinami in kitajskimi tovarnami električnih avtomobilov, do revolucije električne mobilnosti na Norveškem. Od sežigalnice odpadkov na Norveškem, ki namerava zajeti CO₂ shraniti v podvodnih jamah, do enega največjih in najbolj ambicioznih energetskih projektov na svetu ITER, v katerem 35 držav dobesedno "gradi sonce" na Zemlji, do vseh posameznikov in skupnosti, ki stojijo za temi projekti in dvigujejo svoj glas, da bi nas opomnili, da moramo za vsako ceno ohraniti svoje upanje.
Njihova in naša naloga je izjemno težka. Toda če se nanjo ne bomo vsi odzvali, bo to zagotovo naša zadnja priložnost.
All around the globe people are refusing to accept the dismal future of an overheated planet. This is a story about the trailblazers of sustainable energy and how they are transforming their own societies and inspiring others to follow suit. Four years ago award-winning journalist Boštjan Videmšek and I decided to start a new project focusing on world’s climate crisis – on our fight against the horrible consequences of human-made climate crisis as the most important, crucial frontline of humanity; of our time. After an extensive research, we started our long journey, looking for the best community-driven solutions around the world.
Project PLAN B is a collection of the most promising projects in the fight against our climate crisis. Instead of repeating figures and spewing forth yet more apocalyptic forecasts, we decided to highlight the communities and individuals who are bravely taking on the calamity. It is high time to add them all up, the members of the homo sapiens true elite who have chosen not to be swept away in the tide of indifference and arrogance, the visionary women and men who are not banking on miraculous salvation from elsewhere. Our ambition has been to turn this project into a monument for these intrepid foot-soldiers on humanity’s key front line, the ones who are amassing the knowledge, experience and technology we will need if we are to have a prayer at all. From Tilos, the first energy self-sufficient island in the Mediterranean, to the geothermal and thoroughly future-oriented Iceland. From the promising sea-power developments on the Orkney Islands in the north-east of Scotland where surplus energy is already being converted into ‘green’ hydrogen, to the biomass-centred Austrian townlet of Güssing, whose inhabitants took the progressive route as far back as a quarter of a century ago, and who have by now managed to reinvent themselves as a key hub for the development and production of renewable-energy technology. So here they all are, humbly requesting your consideration. From the Swiss-based Climeworks company, capturing carbon dioxide directly from the air to inject it into Iceland’s underworld, to a number of self-sufficient Scandinavian villages and Iceland’s holistic transformation. From the lithium constantly travelling between Bolivian salt flats and Chinese electric-car factories to the electric-mobility revolution in Norway. From the waste-incineration plant in Norway that plans to store the captured CO₂ in underwater caves, to one of the world’s biggest and most ambitious energy project ITER, where 35 nations are literally “Building the Sun” on Earth, to all the individuals and communities who are standing behind these projects, raising their voices to remind us that we must hold on to our hopes at all costs. Theirs – and ours – is an exceptionally difficult task. But if we all don’t rise to the occasion, it is sure to be our last chance.
Ljudje po vsem svetu se ne želijo sprijazniti z mračno prihodnostjo pregretega planeta. To je zgodba o pionirjih trajnostne energije in o tem, kako spreminjajo svoje družbe in navdihujejo druge, da jim sledijo.
Pred štirimi leti sva se z večkrat nagrajenim novinarjem Boštjanom Videmškom odločila, da začneva nov projekt, ki se bo osredotočil na svetovno podnebno krizo - na naš boj proti grozljivim posledicam podnebne krize, ki jo je povzročil človek, na najpomembnejši, ključni fronti človeštva in našega časa.
Po obsežni raziskavi sva začela dolgo pot, na kateri sva iskala najboljše rešitve po svetu, ki jih je vodila skupnost.
Projekt PLAN B je zbirka najbolj obetavnih projektov v boju proti podnebni krizi.
Namesto da bi ponavljali številke in izrekali še več apokaliptičnih napovedi, smo se odločili izpostaviti skupnosti in posameznike, ki se pogumno spopadajo s to katastrofo. Skrajni čas je, da jih seštejemo, pripadnike prave elite homo sapiensa, ki so se odločili, da jih ne bo odnesel val brezbrižnosti in arogance, vizionarske ženske in moške, ki ne računajo na čudežno odrešitev od drugod.
Naša ambicija je bila, da bi ta projekt spremenili v spomenik tem neustrašnim borcem na ključni fronti človeštva, ki zbirajo znanje, izkušnje in tehnologijo, ki jih bomo potrebovali, če želimo sploh še imeti upanje na boljšo prihodnost.
Od Tilosa, prvega energetsko samozadostnega otoka v Sredozemlju, do geotermalne in v prihodnost usmerjene Islandije. Od obetavnega razvoja morske energije na Orkneyjevih otokih na severovzhodu Škotske, kjer presežke energije že predelujejo v "zeleni" vodik, do avstrijskega mesteca Güssing, osredotočenega na biomaso, katerega prebivalci so že pred četrt stoletja ubrali pot napredka in ki se je do danes uspelo preleviti v ključno središče razvoja in proizvodnje tehnologije obnovljivih virov energije.
Tukaj so vsi, ki vas ponižno prosijo za pozornost. Od švicarskega podjetja Climeworks, ki zajema ogljikov dioksid neposredno iz zraka in ga vbrizgava v islandsko podzemlje, do številnih samozadostnih skandinavskih vasi in celostne preobrazbe Islandije. Od litija, ki nenehno potuje med bolivijskimi solinami in kitajskimi tovarnami električnih avtomobilov, do revolucije električne mobilnosti na Norveškem. Od sežigalnice odpadkov na Norveškem, ki namerava zajeti CO₂ shraniti v podvodnih jamah, do enega največjih in najbolj ambicioznih energetskih projektov na svetu ITER, v katerem 35 držav dobesedno "gradi sonce" na Zemlji, do vseh posameznikov in skupnosti, ki stojijo za temi projekti in dvigujejo svoj glas, da bi nas opomnili, da moramo za vsako ceno ohraniti svoje upanje.
Njihova in naša naloga je izjemno težka. Toda če se nanjo ne bomo vsi odzvali, bo to zagotovo naša zadnja priložnost.
All around the globe people are refusing to accept the dismal future of an overheated planet. This is a story about the trailblazers of sustainable energy and how they are transforming their own societies and inspiring others to follow suit. Four years ago award-winning journalist Boštjan Videmšek and I decided to start a new project focusing on world’s climate crisis – on our fight against the horrible consequences of human-made climate crisis as the most important, crucial frontline of humanity; of our time. After an extensive research, we started our long journey, looking for the best community-driven solutions around the world.
Project PLAN B is a collection of the most promising projects in the fight against our climate crisis. Instead of repeating figures and spewing forth yet more apocalyptic forecasts, we decided to highlight the communities and individuals who are bravely taking on the calamity. It is high time to add them all up, the members of the homo sapiens true elite who have chosen not to be swept away in the tide of indifference and arrogance, the visionary women and men who are not banking on miraculous salvation from elsewhere. Our ambition has been to turn this project into a monument for these intrepid foot-soldiers on humanity’s key front line, the ones who are amassing the knowledge, experience and technology we will need if we are to have a prayer at all. From Tilos, the first energy self-sufficient island in the Mediterranean, to the geothermal and thoroughly future-oriented Iceland. From the promising sea-power developments on the Orkney Islands in the north-east of Scotland where surplus energy is already being converted into ‘green’ hydrogen, to the biomass-centred Austrian townlet of Güssing, whose inhabitants took the progressive route as far back as a quarter of a century ago, and who have by now managed to reinvent themselves as a key hub for the development and production of renewable-energy technology. So here they all are, humbly requesting your consideration. From the Swiss-based Climeworks company, capturing carbon dioxide directly from the air to inject it into Iceland’s underworld, to a number of self-sufficient Scandinavian villages and Iceland’s holistic transformation. From the lithium constantly travelling between Bolivian salt flats and Chinese electric-car factories to the electric-mobility revolution in Norway. From the waste-incineration plant in Norway that plans to store the captured CO₂ in underwater caves, to one of the world’s biggest and most ambitious energy project ITER, where 35 nations are literally “Building the Sun” on Earth, to all the individuals and communities who are standing behind these projects, raising their voices to remind us that we must hold on to our hopes at all costs. Theirs – and ours – is an exceptionally difficult task. But if we all don’t rise to the occasion, it is sure to be our last chance.