Deklica s Haloz / Girl from Haloze, 1972
Janezek, 1973
Pred južino / Before Lunch, 1978
Babica 2 / Grandmother 2, 1973
Kolo / Bicycle, 1984
Družina / Family, 1973
Družina / Family , 1975
Vinograd / Vineyard , 1974
Birmanka z botro / Confirmee with Godmother, 1988
Gospodinja / Housewife , 1978
Krompir / Potatoes, 1976
Pobiranje / Picking , 1976
Romarke / Pilgrimage, 1971
V raju / In Heaven , 1975
Sam / Alone, 1973
Sama / Both Alone, 1978
Metka, 1974
Franček, 1976
Barantanje / Bargaining, 1980
Deklica 2 / Girl 2, 1975
Deklica / Girl, 1976
Gospodar / Master of the house, 1972
Klic / Calling, 1984
Otrok 2 / Child 2, 1973
Otrok / Child, 1973
Starost / Old age, 1979
Sestri / Sisters, 1975
Vaška stražarja / Village Guards, 1979
Trgatev / Grape Harvest, 1973
Pri malici / At Brunch, ok. 1970 / cca. 1970
V hlevu 2 / In Stall 2, ok. 1970 / cca. 1970
Haložan / A Man from Haloze, 1973
Srečanja / Encounters, 1974
Koline / Pig Slaughter, 1977
Koline / Pig Slaughter , 1979
Na vasi / Village Scene , 1979
Koline / Pig Slaughter , 1978
Čreva / Intestines, 1979
Razdelovanje / Butchering, 1975
Koline / Pig Slaughter, 1975
Kri / Blood, 1981
Noži / Knives, 1978
Špeh / Side of Bacon, 1978
Kmečki šopek / Country Bouquet, 1972
Brata / Brothers, 1961
Skupna pomlad / Spring together , 1960
Tesnoba / Anguish , 1970
Pastir / Shepherd , 1970
Obraz 2 / Face 2 , 1970
Prijatelja / Friends, 1970
Molitev / Prayer, 1971
Misli / Thoughts, 1970
Portret v snegu / Portrait in snow , 1969
Pomenek / Chat, 1970
Moj oče / My father, 1970
Domov / Going Home, 1977
V dežju / In The Rain, 1979
V mestu / In the city, 1970
V zavetju / In the shelter, 1979
The Game, 1979
Portret delavca / Worker's portrait, 1966