Frederic Fontenoy
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Fédéric Fontenoy v svoji fotografski praksi v tradiciji Georgesa Batailla, Pierra Molinierja in Luisa Bunuela postavlja vprašanja o poželenju. Pri tem brez obotavljanja s pomočjo izumetničenosti fikcije skočil v svoj mali mises-en-scène.
Fontenoyevo delo govori o telesu in vseh načinih, kako ga je mogoče razstavljati, o njem fantazirati in in ga fetišizirati. Natančno kalibrirana scenografija, narejena z velikoformatno kamero in brez retuše, pri čemer je edina kulisa soba sama. Fotografije so polne referenc in duhov, kot je časopis - L'Oeuvre -, ki lepo visi nad impresivno zadnjico.
Fontenoyeva vizija je ironična. Igranje vlog na teh fotografijah je zanj način, da si dovoli izkušnjo telesa v prostoru, v dinamični izmenjavi s svojimi modeli, ki se vsi ujamejo v igro in v celoti in z veseljem sodelujejo pri delu, od poziranja do pritiska na sprožilec. Fotograf je hkrati voajer in gledalec, ki ni zares perverzen, odlično se igra med resničnostjo in fikcijo ter ustvarja osebno mitologijo z globokimi posledicami ...
In the tradition of Georges Bataille, Pierre Molinier and Luis Bunuel, Fédéric Fontenoy’s photographic practice interrogates desire. Using the artificies of fiction he doesn’t hesitate to jump into his own little mises-en-scène.
Fontenoy’s work is about the body and all the ways it can be exhibited, fantasized and fetishized. Precisely calibrated scenography, made with a view camera and no retouching with the only scenery being a single room. The images are full of references and ghosts, like the newspaper – L’Oeuvre – that nicely hangs over an impressive ass.
Fontenoy’s vision is ironic. For him, playing a role in these photos is a way to allow himself the experience of body in space, in a dynamic exchange with his models who all get caught up in the game, participating fully and joyously in the work at hand, from posing to pushing the shutter release. The photographer is simultaneously a voyeur and viewed, not really perverse, playing perfectly between reality and fiction, creating a personal mythology with profound ramifications…