LJUBLJANA ARTWEEKEND & Galerija Fotografija

Sobota, 27.5.2023 ob 11.uri / Saturday, 27.5.2023 at 11:00
Razstava V teku združuje vidna dela iz serij Medij, 4x5'', Pasteli, Solarna tekstura, Nosilec, Brezno in drugih. Že iz njihovih naslovov je razvidno, da avtorica pri svojem delu preizprašuje medij sam, išče njegove alternativne funkcije in spreminjajoče se oblike, pri čemer jo vodita želja po raziskovanju in eksperimentiranju, medtem pa se dotika tematik (ne)smisla, paradoksa, spomina in halucinacij. Po razstavi bosta vodili kuratorka Hana Čeferin in umetnica Sara Rman.
Maksimalno število obiskovalcev ni določeno. Prijave niso obvezne
The exhibition In Process brings together prominent works from the series Medium, 4x5'', Pastels, Solar Texture, Carrier, Abyss and others. From the titles, it is clear that the artist's work questions the medium itself, searching for its alternative functions and changing forms, guided by a desire to explore and experiment while touching on themes of ( non)sense, paradox, memory and hallucination. The guided tour of the exhibition will be conducted by curator Hana Čeferin and artist Sara Rman.
No maximum number of participants. No registration required.
May 24, 2023