Yenny Huber
Pred 30 leti so se dokončno zaprla vrata zahodnega krila grandiozne postaje Flinders Street, ter s tem tudi njene plesne dvorane. Stavba, ki je nekoč predstavljala dragulj mesta, ki je sprejemal kraljeve predstavnike, gostil prestižne plese in številne druge historične in kulturne aktivnosti, je bila za nedoločen čas zaprta. Zaradi zapuščenosti je skozi čas začela propadati. Notranjost stavbe je bila hudo poškodovana in skozi leta so se odluščile plasti barve, tla popokala, se razbila okna, ploščice odlepile, črke odpadle od znakov, v stropu so se pojavile luknje, sobe pa je prekrila debela plast prahu in umazanije. Vendar stavba še vedno seva staro eleganco, kakor speči grad, ki čaka na oživitev ter da ga nekdo prenovi v prvotno stanje lepote. Arhitekturni okras, ročno izdelani detajli, nikoli odstranjeni artefakti, so živi opomniki prejšnjega stanja historične lepote. Skozi njeno fotografsko instalacijo umetnica raziskuje sledove preteklosti, stopinje tega, kar je nekoč bilo. Skozi to pa tudi kritično vrednoti sedanje posledice dolgoletnega razkroja stavbe, ki predstavlja pomemben del kulturne dediščine Melbourna.
30 years ago the doors were shut upon the western wing of the grand Flinders Street Station including its Ballroom. A place that once was the city’s most precious jewel, that presented a glamorous welcome to Royalty, where glorious Balls were staged and many other historic events and cultural activities were held, was closed down indefinitely. Through neglect, it has deteriorated over time. Severe damage to the inside of the building over the years is all too evident - layers of paint have peeled off the walls, the floors have cracked, windows have broken, tiles have been removed, letters have fallen off their signage, the ceiling is replete with holes and a thick layer of dust and dirt covers all the rooms. Yet the building radiates with remnant traces of a past grandeur, like a slumbering castle waiting to be revived and brought back to its original state of beauty. Architectural features, handcrafted details, left and never removed artefacts, - all are vivid reminders of its former splendid historic beauty. Through her photographic installation, the artist explores those traces of the past - the footprints of what was once present. But she also looks critically at the present day consequences of the long-term neglect of a building that represents a significant part of Melbourne’s cultural heritage.
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