Marc Riboud
Grčija (iz zbirke Collection Clémencea Ribouda) / Grčija (iz zbirke Collection Clémencea Ribouda) / Greece (Collection Clémence Riboud), 1973srebroželatinasta fotografija, modern / modern silver print40 x 50 cmodprta edicija / open editionSeries: IZBRANI POGLEDI / A WANDERER’S CHOICEpodpisano na robu / signed in the marginFor English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Marc Riboud se je v zgodovino fotografije zapisal z nekaterimi ikoničnimi podobami in v času nastanka edinstvenimi fotografskimi popotovanji v dežele na...For English version please scroll down.
Marc Riboud se je v zgodovino fotografije zapisal z nekaterimi ikoničnimi podobami in v času nastanka edinstvenimi fotografskimi popotovanji v dežele na Daljnem vzhodu, fotografom poprej nedostopne. Od Zazouja, igrivega pleskarja Eifflovega stolpa, do mlade ameriške aktivistke, ki je v protestu proti vojni v Vietnamu pred bajonete pušk stopila s cvetom v roki, prek portretov svetovnih voditeljev v odločilnih zgodovinskih trenutkih, do brezimnih posameznikov, ki jih je Riboudovo čuječe oko opazilo in z empatijo, a pogosto z lucidno humorno noto zapisalo na fotografski film – vse to so fotografske podobe, ki so se zapisale v naš kolektivni spomin in jih razstavljajo ter hranijo najpomembnejše galerije in muzeji sveta. Vsi pomembni ilustrirani časopisi so objavili katero njegovih fotoreportaž. Marc Riboud je bil eden zgodnjih članov agencije Magnum Photos – četudi se je leta 1979 odločil za samostojno pot, je ostal zvest predvsem skupnim idejam Magnumovih ustanoviteljev, ki so ga leta 1953 sprejeli medse na način, ki mu je pri fotografskem delu dopuščal dovolj prostora za razvijanje lastnega avtorskega izraza.
Iz razstavnega besedila Marije Skočir
Marc Riboud went down in the history of photography with both his iconic images and pioneering photographic travels to the countries of the Far East, when they were still almost inaccessible to photographers. From Zazou, the playful painter of the Eiffel Tower, to a young American activist who in protest against the Vietnam War stood in front of a row of bayonets with a flower in her hand, and through various portraits of world leaders in the decisive historical moments, to the nameless individuals that Riboud’s mindful eye had noticed and recorded on photographic film, with empathy and often with a lucid and humorous note – all of these are photographic images written in our collective memory, exhibited and kept by the most important galleries and museums of the world. Riboud’s photojournals have been published in all the important magazines. He was among the early members of Magnum Photos – and although in 1979 he decided to take an independent path, he remained faithful to the common ideas of Magnum’s founders, who in 1953 accepted the younger photographer in a way that gave him enough space to develop his own authorial expression in his work.
From the exhibition text by Marija Skočir
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