Matjaž Krivic
Rhino 10, 2021digitalni tisk na arhivski papir / digital print on archival paper30 x 45 cm (razprodano / sold out)
81 x 122 cmedicija 4/5 + 2 AP / edition of 4/5 + 2 APSeries: ZADNJI DVE / THE LAST TWOpodpisana in datirana / signed and datedFor English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Na svetu živita le še dva severna bela nosoroga. Oba sta samici, Najin in njena hči Fatu, saj je zadnji samec Sudan...For English version please scroll down.
Na svetu živita le še dva severna bela nosoroga. Oba sta samici, Najin in njena hči Fatu, saj je zadnji samec Sudan žal umrl leta 2018. Severni beli nosorog je danes funkcionalno izumrla vrsta.
Matjaž Krivic je odpotoval v rezervat Ol Pejeta Conservancy v Nanyuki v Keniji, kjer se 33-letna Najin, ki jo stalno spremlja njen varuh Zachary Mutai, upira usodi svojih prednikov.
Nadarjeni fotograf je v seriji fotografij "Zadnji dve" zajel čustveno esenco vezi med predanim čuvajem in predzadnjo predstavnico najstarejše vrste kopenskih sesalcev na svetu. Fotografije tega druženja služijo kot močan opomin človeštvu, da je nujno potrebno ustaviti brezobzirno uničevanje divjih živali na planetu.
Populacijo dveh severnih belih nosorogov, ki jo je divji lov pripeljal na rob izumrtja, lahko reši le čudež. S tem se ukvarja program za razmnoževanje BioRescue, ki uporablja spermo mrtvih samcev za umetno oploditev ženskih jajčec in prenos zarodkov v nadomestne matere druge podvrste nosorogov. Če bo program ohranjanja uspešen, bi lahko severni beli nosorogi kot vrsta ponovno zaživeli. In če se to zgodi, lahko stavite, da bo Matjaž Krivic s svojim fotoaparatom ujel čarobnost novega mladiča severnega belega nosoroga.
- Ivan Kralj
There are only two northern white rhinos left in the world. And both of them are females, Najin and her daughter Fatu. Sadly, the last male, Sudan, died in 2018. Today, the northern white rhino is a functionally extinct species.
Matjaž Krivic traveled to Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Nanyuki, Kenya, where constantly monitored by her guard Zachary Mutai, the 33-year-old Najin resists the fate of her ancestors.
In “The Last Two” photo series, this talented photographer captured the emotional essence of the bond between the devoted caretaker and the second-to-last representative of the oldest land mammal species in the world. The photographs of this companionship serve as a powerful reminder of the urgency to stop humanity’s reckless destruction of the planet’s wildlife.
Pushed to the brink of extinction by poaching, the population of two northern white rhinos could only be saved by a miracle. That includes the BioRescue breeding program that uses the sperm of dead males to artificially inseminate female eggs, and transfer the embryos to surrogate mothers of another rhino sub-species. If successful, the conservation program could bring the northern white rhino back from extinction. And if that happens, you can bet Matjaž Krivic will be there with his camera to capture the magic of a new northern white rhino baby.
- Ivan Kralj
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