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For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI V vratih hladilnika so se mi nabirali 120 dia filmi, različnih vrst in z različno pretečenimi roki (nekateri so bili starejši od...
O SERIJI V vratih hladilnika so se mi nabirali 120 dia filmi, različnih vrst in z različno pretečenimi roki (nekateri so bili starejši od mene), ki sem jih dobila od starejših kolegov fotografov. Ker je razvijanje teh pri nas drag strošek, se nikoli nisem lotila fotografiranja z njimi – dokler niso ostali na razpolago le še ti filmi. Začela sem serijo in si rekla, jih bom že razvila, ko bom velika in bogata.Tako sem lani na morju na Hrvaškem začela fotografirati divje rastline in nadaljevala v domačem Ljubljanskem botaničnem vrtu. Sledil je obisk različnih držav in mest, pri čemer sem vedno obiskala botanične vrtove in tako ujela rastlinje v vrtovih na Dunaju, v Zagrebu, v Pragi in Berlinu. Ko v vratih hladilnika ni bilo več filmov, sem v dar od prijatelja prejela staro jobo mašino za razvijanje filmov in se za nekaj dni zaprla v temnico.Ob pregledu razvitih podob sem ugotovila, da rastlinju na podobi nekaj umanjka, umanjka mu rastlinskost. Skozi fotografski proces sem naravo oropala naravnega, ni imela več organskosti, bila je sterilna in nič več divja. Tako sem ji želela vrniti, kar sem ji vzela – fotografskemu sem začela nazaj dodajati naravno. Serija žbunje tako vsebuje z rastlinskimi barvili kolorirane podobe; pokrpane motive sešite z nitjo iz rastline juke; razkrojene fotografske filme, ki so bili zakopani v zemlji ter različne kombinacije rastlinskih delov s katerimi sem dopolnjevala motive. Žbunje, ki v srbohrvaščini pomeni grmovje, se mi je vedno zdela smešna beseda. A na drugi strani je njen zven rahlo grob in divji ter me sam po sebi spominja na naravo. Upam, da sem svojim fotografijam uspela vrniti organskost divje narave in da jim lahko rečem žbunje. - Tilyen Mucik
ABOUT THE SERIES In my fridge door, a number and a variety of old color reversal films I received from photographer friends of older generations, started to accumulate. Because E-6 process is quite pricy, I never got around to shoot them, until one day, slide films were the only films I had left. I started a new series and decided to develop them as soon as I grow up and get rich.I first started photographing wild plants and shrubs along the Croatian coastline, and continued to photograph urbanized, but overgrown flowerbeds of Ljubljana’s botanical garden. The latter inspired me to visit some of the other European botanical gardens, and this quest took me to Vienna, Zagreb, Prague and Berlin. I used up my stash of films and was, at the same time, lucky enough to be gifted a chance to develop them myself.Upon reviewing the developed images I realized the plants on those photographs lack something – they lacked the “plantness”. With the photographic process I have robbed the nature of its natural, it contained nothing organic, it became sterile and not wild anymore. I needed to return what I have taken – I started adding the natural to the photographic medium. Series Žbunje / Shrubs consists of altering printed images by colorizing them with plant-based natural pigments; of stitching films with yucca-harvested threads; of films, which have disintegrated in the soil I have buried them in; and of adding different parts of plants to the images. I have always found the word žbunje, serbocroatian for bushes, quite funny. But at the same time, in its essence, the word contains a quality of wildness, harshness, which reminds me of nature itself. With my interventions I aimed to return some of this organic wildness to photographs of my, appropriated nature. - Tilyen Mucik