Uroš Abram
Brez naslova #11 / Untitled #11, 2009
srebroželatinasta fotografija na platnu / silver gelatin print on canvas
50 x 60 cm
edicija 2 / edition of 2
Series: MADE IN ME
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Abramova serija »Made in me« je bila ustvarjena v avtorjevi značilni tehniki. Izhodišče refleksije je bila misel, da kreativnost ne potrebuje odlične...
For English version please scroll down.
Abramova serija »Made in me« je bila ustvarjena v avtorjevi značilni tehniki. Izhodišče refleksije je bila misel, da kreativnost ne potrebuje odlične fotografske opreme, ter teza Rolanda Barthesa, da se fotografija rodi v glavi in ne v kameri. Tako je "izumil" camero obcuro dobesedno v lastni glavi (kot je dejal Barthes), v svojih ustih, in posnel portrete prijateljev. Rezultat so fotografije, tiskane na ročno narejena platna na okvirjih. Avtor je sam pripravil tudi emulzijo za razvijanje. Poleg popolnoma konceptualnega pristopa narediti fotografijo "iz ničesar", so končne podobe impresionistične in ekspresivne, tako kot tudi estetske. Ne kažejo resničnosti, temveč se na fotografijo osredotočijo kot na subjektivno videnje.
— Renata Štebih
The series presented by Abram »Made in me« was done completely by the author him self. His outgoing point was that creativity doesn't need excellent photo equipment and Roland Barthes' thesis that photography is born in the mind not in the camera.
He therefore »invented« the camera obscura« literally in his head(as Barthes put it) in his mouth and made the portraits of his friends.
The result are prints done on hand made canvases and frames. Also the emulsion for prints was done by the author him self. Beside the completely conceptual approach to make the photo »out of nothing«, the final prints are very impresionistic and expressive, also very esthethic and they do not tend to show the reality but rather focus on image as subjective vision.
— Renata Štebih
Abramova serija »Made in me« je bila ustvarjena v avtorjevi značilni tehniki. Izhodišče refleksije je bila misel, da kreativnost ne potrebuje odlične fotografske opreme, ter teza Rolanda Barthesa, da se fotografija rodi v glavi in ne v kameri. Tako je "izumil" camero obcuro dobesedno v lastni glavi (kot je dejal Barthes), v svojih ustih, in posnel portrete prijateljev. Rezultat so fotografije, tiskane na ročno narejena platna na okvirjih. Avtor je sam pripravil tudi emulzijo za razvijanje. Poleg popolnoma konceptualnega pristopa narediti fotografijo "iz ničesar", so končne podobe impresionistične in ekspresivne, tako kot tudi estetske. Ne kažejo resničnosti, temveč se na fotografijo osredotočijo kot na subjektivno videnje.
— Renata Štebih
The series presented by Abram »Made in me« was done completely by the author him self. His outgoing point was that creativity doesn't need excellent photo equipment and Roland Barthes' thesis that photography is born in the mind not in the camera.
He therefore »invented« the camera obscura« literally in his head(as Barthes put it) in his mouth and made the portraits of his friends.
The result are prints done on hand made canvases and frames. Also the emulsion for prints was done by the author him self. Beside the completely conceptual approach to make the photo »out of nothing«, the final prints are very impresionistic and expressive, also very esthethic and they do not tend to show the reality but rather focus on image as subjective vision.
— Renata Štebih
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