Boštjan Pucelj
80 x 80 cm; 1/1
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Sodobna družba postaja vedno bolj naklonjena potrošnji, da bi dosegla udobje. Eno od ključnih vlog v procesu zadovoljevanja te potrebe igra nakupovalni voziček. Deluje kot posrednik, katerega glavna naloga je razbremenitev nakupovalca na njegovem vsakodnevnem zbiranju dobrin. Vendar pa ti vozički niso zaščiteni. Kot na vse druge stvari tudi nanje vpliva privatizacija, zloraba ali pa postanejo žrtve huliganov. Serija fotografij ujame nenavadna parkirna mesta, kraje in postanke teh vozičkov med njihovim romanjem iz nakupovalnih središč. Vozički so prikazani izven svojega primarnega habitata in se nahajajo v okolju, ki mu ne pripadajo, kot invalidni brezdomci ali kot nadomestni služabniki svojih novih delodajalcev. So sodobni begunci, ki so bili prisiljeni zapustiti dom. In ko se jih je dotaknila pustinja, so postali sirote.
Boštjan Pucelj
Modern society is drawn by consumption in order to achieve comfort. One of the key roles in the process of satisfying this need plays the trolley. It acts as a mediator whose principal task is to disburden the shopper at his daily goods-gathering. However, these trolleys are not protected. As all other things they too are affected by privatization, violation or are victims of hooligans. The series of photographs captures the unusual parking spaces, crime scenes, and stops of these trolleys while on their pilgrimage out of the shopping malls. Trolleys are portrayed as stray from their primary habitat, situated in the environment they do not belong to, as handicapped homeless, or as substitute servants of their new employers. They are modern refugees that were forced to leave home. And as the wilderness touched them they became orphans.
Boštjan Pucelj
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