Bojan Brecelj
paper size / velikost papirja 37 x 52 cm
image size / velikost fotografije 44,5 x 63,5 cm
paper size / velikost papirja 52,6 x 73 cm
»Krasni novi svet,v torbi zavoj nerazvitih filmov. In ko dočakam čudež, glede katerega nimam pričakovanj, zdaj, ko so fotografije pred mano, sem raznežen.Preplet in spoj me nagovarjata, lepo je. Nagovoril sem svet čudežnega sožitja, povezanosti, soodvisnosti, in dobil odtis, odtise nepojmljivih razsežnosti. Ne da se jih spraviti v pojme. So izven časovnih razsežnosti, ker so prekrivajoče se fotografije posnete v različnih trenutkih. Običajno fotografija razkriva sinhronost 'istega' trenutnega, I AM je pa brezčasen.« – Bojan Brecelj
"A beautiful new world appeared;
A bundle of undeveloped films in a bag. And when the time comes, a miracle that I had no expectations about, the prints that are now in front of me, I get overwhelmed.
The interweaving and the connection speak to me, it's beautiful. I've addressed the world of miraculous harmony, connectedness and interdependence, and got an imprint, imprints of unfathomable dimensions. They cannot be defined. They are beyond the dimensions of time because the overlapped images are photographed in different moments. Usually, a photograph reveals the synchronicity of the 'same' moment, but I AM is timeless." – Bojan Brecelj
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