Tilyen Mucik
Kana na hortenziji (detajl) / Canna on Hydrangea (detail), 2024
klorofilni proces, foto reprodukcija, digitalni tisk na arhivski papir / chlorophyll process, photo reproduction, digital print on archival paper
70 x 50 cm, edicija / edition of 1/3 + 1 AP
Series: Rastlinsko / Plant-Based
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI S pričujočo serijo Mucik stopa korak naprej od klasične fotografske podobe, saj za nosilce izbranih del uporabi rastlinske liste. Kljub temu se...
For English version please scroll down.
S pričujočo serijo Mucik stopa korak naprej od klasične fotografske podobe, saj za nosilce izbranih del uporabi rastlinske liste. Kljub temu se v beleženju najrazličnejših rastlinskih vegetacij ključno naslanja na medij fotografije, ki je zanjo nekakšen vmesnik za ohranjanje zadostne distance do njenega subjekta – rastline. Njena dela so utemeljena na potrebi po fotografskem eksperimentiranju, njene podobe, kompozicije in serije fotografij pa so često ustvarjene po principih herbarija. Rastline namreč pogosto dokumentira na način portreta, da bi tako izpostavila njihove individualne značilnosti, organske teksture, vzorce, žile, oblike in strukture. V svoji umetniški praksi, še zlasti pa v pričujočem novem delu, dosledno združuje polja, kot so biologija, botanika in kemija. – Miha Colner
With the present series, Mucik takes a step further from the classical photographic image by using plant leaves as the medium for the selected works. Nevertheless, in recording a wide variety of plant vegetation, she relies crucially on the medium of photography, which is for her a kind of interface for maintaining sufficient distance from her subject – the plant. Her works are based on the need for photographic experimentation, and her images, compositions and series of photographs are often created according to the principles of the herbarium. In fact, she often documents plants in a portrait manner in order to highlight their individual characteristics, organic textures, patterns, veins, shapes and structures. In her artistic practice, and especially in the present new work, she consistently combines fields such as biology, botany and chemistry. – Miha Colner
S pričujočo serijo Mucik stopa korak naprej od klasične fotografske podobe, saj za nosilce izbranih del uporabi rastlinske liste. Kljub temu se v beleženju najrazličnejših rastlinskih vegetacij ključno naslanja na medij fotografije, ki je zanjo nekakšen vmesnik za ohranjanje zadostne distance do njenega subjekta – rastline. Njena dela so utemeljena na potrebi po fotografskem eksperimentiranju, njene podobe, kompozicije in serije fotografij pa so često ustvarjene po principih herbarija. Rastline namreč pogosto dokumentira na način portreta, da bi tako izpostavila njihove individualne značilnosti, organske teksture, vzorce, žile, oblike in strukture. V svoji umetniški praksi, še zlasti pa v pričujočem novem delu, dosledno združuje polja, kot so biologija, botanika in kemija. – Miha Colner
With the present series, Mucik takes a step further from the classical photographic image by using plant leaves as the medium for the selected works. Nevertheless, in recording a wide variety of plant vegetation, she relies crucially on the medium of photography, which is for her a kind of interface for maintaining sufficient distance from her subject – the plant. Her works are based on the need for photographic experimentation, and her images, compositions and series of photographs are often created according to the principles of the herbarium. In fact, she often documents plants in a portrait manner in order to highlight their individual characteristics, organic textures, patterns, veins, shapes and structures. In her artistic practice, and especially in the present new work, she consistently combines fields such as biology, botany and chemistry. – Miha Colner
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