Euro Rotelli
Soraya Bruno #1, 2011
digitalni print na arhivski papir / archival digital print
80 x 68 cm
edicija 1/5 / edition 1/5
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. Umetnikova knjiga je na voljo tukaj . / Find the artist's book here . O SERIJI Serija fotografij Eura Rotellija The Body The Soul...
For English version please scroll down.
Umetnikova knjiga je na voljo tukaj. / Find the artist's book here.
Serija fotografij Eura Rotellija The Body The Soul prikazuje 27 plesalcev iz 17 baletnih hiš, ki segajo v leto 2009. Serija se ne ukvarja s trenutnimi družbeno angažiranimi, analitičnimi vprašanji in konteksti sodobne umetnosti. Avtorja ne zanimajo izkrivljeni prsti prima-balerine, stres profesionalnih plesalcev; ne analizira ozadja baletnega spektakla, niti vloge kapitala v teh odnosih. Njegovo zanimanje ostaja osredotočeno na bistvo plesa, ki ga plesalci še vedno prenašajo, gledalci pa še vedno občudujejo. Lepota gibanja in premikanja, mistika plesa, moč izražanja duhovnega s telesom. Telo, duša.
The series of photograps by Euro Rotelli The Body The Soul depicts 27 dancers from 17 ballet houses going back to 2009. The series does not deal with the current socially-engaged, analytical issues and contexts of contemporary art. The author is not interested in the prima-ballerina’s distorted fingers, the stress of professional dancers; he is not analyzing the backgrounds behind ballet spectacles, nor the role of capital in these relationships. His interest remains focused on the very essence of the dance, owing to which the dancers still endure such sacrifice and spectators still admire. The beauty of movement and motion, the mysticism of dance, the power to express the spiritual with the body. The body, the soul.
Umetnikova knjiga je na voljo tukaj. / Find the artist's book here.
Serija fotografij Eura Rotellija The Body The Soul prikazuje 27 plesalcev iz 17 baletnih hiš, ki segajo v leto 2009. Serija se ne ukvarja s trenutnimi družbeno angažiranimi, analitičnimi vprašanji in konteksti sodobne umetnosti. Avtorja ne zanimajo izkrivljeni prsti prima-balerine, stres profesionalnih plesalcev; ne analizira ozadja baletnega spektakla, niti vloge kapitala v teh odnosih. Njegovo zanimanje ostaja osredotočeno na bistvo plesa, ki ga plesalci še vedno prenašajo, gledalci pa še vedno občudujejo. Lepota gibanja in premikanja, mistika plesa, moč izražanja duhovnega s telesom. Telo, duša.
The series of photograps by Euro Rotelli The Body The Soul depicts 27 dancers from 17 ballet houses going back to 2009. The series does not deal with the current socially-engaged, analytical issues and contexts of contemporary art. The author is not interested in the prima-ballerina’s distorted fingers, the stress of professional dancers; he is not analyzing the backgrounds behind ballet spectacles, nor the role of capital in these relationships. His interest remains focused on the very essence of the dance, owing to which the dancers still endure such sacrifice and spectators still admire. The beauty of movement and motion, the mysticism of dance, the power to express the spiritual with the body. The body, the soul.
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