Euro Rotelli
My country #1, 2005
digitalni print na arhivski papir z arhivskimi pigmentnimi barvami, obdelan in skeniran polaroid 809 (20x25cm) / digital print on archival paper with pigment colours, manipulated and digitalized polaroid 809
30 x 24 cm
edicija 3/12 / edition 3/12
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI My Country je podobna kot Laguna, saj gre za krajine, vendar sem dodal poudarek na načinu občutenja moje dežele. V seriji My...
For English version please scroll down.
In MY COUNTRY I am discovering what belongs me, what survivals in spite of the modern world and technology, what I would like to preserve forever,in my mind at least.
My Country je podobna kot Laguna, saj gre za krajine, vendar sem dodal poudarek na načinu občutenja moje dežele.
V seriji My Country odkrivam, kaj mi pripada, kaj preživi kljub sodobnemu svetu in tehnologiji, kaj bi rad za vedno ohranil vsaj v svojih mislih.
In MY COUNTRY I am discovering what belongs me, what survivals in spite of the modern world and technology, what I would like to preserve forever,in my mind at least.
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