Tereza Kozinc
20 x 13,8 cm; edicija / edition 7 + 2 AP
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»Izginil si 21. 7. 2017. Nikoli nismo našli nobenih sledi.
Stenli je postal prispodoba za moje utopično iskanje doma; v gozdu, v reki, v noči in v vseh bitjih, ki so bila del najinega tropa.
Hokkaido in Wakkanai. Krokarji so me vodili do zapuščenega templja in se s svojim elegantnim črnim žametnim perjem rahlo dotikali snega. Lahko sem bila samo v tistem trenutku in nikjer drugje.
« – Tereza Kozinc
"You disappeared on 21st July 2017. We never found any remains.
Stenli became a metaphor for my utopic search of a home; in a forest, in a river, at night and in all the creatures that were a part of our pack.
Hokkaido and Wakkanai. The ravens guided me to the abandoned temple, gently touching their elegant black velvet feathers on the snow. I could be only in that moment and nowhere else."
– Tereza Kozinc
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