Sara Rman
Solarna tekstura / Solar Texture, 2023
polistirenska plastika, reflektivna folija / polystyrene plastic, reflective foil
35 x 25 x 15 cm
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Pri delu Solarna tekstura gre za kombinacijo različnih materialov, ki so prisiljeni v simbiozo. Različni materiali se obnašajo drugače v stiku z...
For English version please scroll down.
Pri delu Solarna tekstura gre za kombinacijo različnih materialov, ki so prisiljeni v simbiozo. Različni materiali se obnašajo drugače v stiku z ognjem, kar mi omogoča ustvarjanje edinstvenih oblik in tekstur. Pri oblikovanju z ognjem se različni deli materialov stopijo, krčijo in valovijo, kar ustvarja kompleksne mikroforme. Objekt se ponaša z lastno zbirko tekstur in form, ki se povežejo skozi pronicanje svetlobe. Izkušnja gledalca je tako odvisna od perspektive in kota, iz katerega se objekt opazuje.
Solar Texture is a combination of different materials that are forced into a symbiosis. Different materials behave differently in contact with fire, which allows me to create unique shapes and textures. When shaping with fire, different parts of the materials melt, shrink and undulate, creating complex micro-forms. The object boasts its own collection of textures and forms that connect through the permeation of light. The viewer's experience thus depends on the perspective and angle from which the object is viewed.
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