Sara Rman
#1, 2022
polistirenska plastika, akrilni sprej / polystyrene plastic, acrylic spray paint
16 x 13 x 6
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI V seriji Nosilec se osredotočam na raziskovanje in eksperimentiranje z materialom, ki je osnovni nosilec fotografskih materialov - plastiko. Izbrana je polistirenska...
For English version please scroll down.
V seriji Nosilec se osredotočam na raziskovanje in eksperimentiranje z materialom, ki je osnovni nosilec fotografskih materialov - plastiko. Izbrana je polistirenska plastika, ki jo nato manipuliram in oblikujem z uporabo ognja. Pri oblikovanju z ognjem se ustvarjajo nenavadne in edinstvene oblike, ki odražajo fascinacijo nad procesom in igro z materialom. Vsaka oblika v seriji je rezultat sprotnih odločitev in interakcij z materialom. Z rdečo barvo poudarim formo objekta, kar je svojevrstna nadgradnja in zaključek procesa ustvarjanja. Celotna serija se tako osredotoča na eksperimentiranje z materialom in dialog z le-tem, pri čemer je vsak objekt unikaten in predstavlja edinstven izraz. Skozi proces ustvarjanja in manipulacije plastike, se tako odpirajo številne možnosti za odkrivanje novih oblik in form, ki odražajo interakcijo z materialom ter navdihujejo za nadaljnje eksperimentiranje.
In the Medium series, I focus on exploring and experimenting with the material that is the primary support for photographic materials – plastic. I choose polystyrene plastic, which I then manipulate and shape using fire. When shaping with fire, unusual and unique shapes are created, reflecting a fascination with the process and play with the material. Each shape in the series is the result of ongoing decisions and interactions with the material. I use the colour red to accentuate the form of the object, which is a kind of enhancement and completion of the creative process. The whole series is thus focused on experimentation with and dialogue with the material, with each object being unique and representing a unique expression. Through the process of creating and manipulating the sculpture, many possibilities are opened up to discover new shapes and forms, reflecting the interaction with the material and inspiring further experimentation.
V seriji Nosilec se osredotočam na raziskovanje in eksperimentiranje z materialom, ki je osnovni nosilec fotografskih materialov - plastiko. Izbrana je polistirenska plastika, ki jo nato manipuliram in oblikujem z uporabo ognja. Pri oblikovanju z ognjem se ustvarjajo nenavadne in edinstvene oblike, ki odražajo fascinacijo nad procesom in igro z materialom. Vsaka oblika v seriji je rezultat sprotnih odločitev in interakcij z materialom. Z rdečo barvo poudarim formo objekta, kar je svojevrstna nadgradnja in zaključek procesa ustvarjanja. Celotna serija se tako osredotoča na eksperimentiranje z materialom in dialog z le-tem, pri čemer je vsak objekt unikaten in predstavlja edinstven izraz. Skozi proces ustvarjanja in manipulacije plastike, se tako odpirajo številne možnosti za odkrivanje novih oblik in form, ki odražajo interakcijo z materialom ter navdihujejo za nadaljnje eksperimentiranje.
In the Medium series, I focus on exploring and experimenting with the material that is the primary support for photographic materials – plastic. I choose polystyrene plastic, which I then manipulate and shape using fire. When shaping with fire, unusual and unique shapes are created, reflecting a fascination with the process and play with the material. Each shape in the series is the result of ongoing decisions and interactions with the material. I use the colour red to accentuate the form of the object, which is a kind of enhancement and completion of the creative process. The whole series is thus focused on experimentation with and dialogue with the material, with each object being unique and representing a unique expression. Through the process of creating and manipulating the sculpture, many possibilities are opened up to discover new shapes and forms, reflecting the interaction with the material and inspiring further experimentation.
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