Nik Erik Neubauer
Kje je after? #25 / Where’s the Afters? #25, 2021
digitalni tisk na arhivski papir / digital print on archival paper
47 x 70 cm; edicija 3 + 1 AP / edition 3 + 1 AP
66 x 100 cm; 1/1 + 1 AP / 1/1/ + 1 AP
66 x 100 cm; 1/1 + 1 AP / 1/1/ + 1 AP
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Kje je after? je obsežna serija protestnih fotografij, ki jih je med majem 2020 in aprilom 2022 posnel Nik Erik Neubauer. V...
For English version please scroll down.
Kje je after? je obsežna serija protestnih fotografij, ki jih je med majem 2020 in aprilom 2022 posnel Nik Erik Neubauer. V tem času je sodobni svet prešel v prej nepoznano stanje nesigurnosti, strahu in vsesplošne zmede, ki ji je botroval pojav pandemije covida-19. Z naraščanjem nelagodnosti, navzkrižnih informacij in nekaterih vprašljivih političnih ukrepov, je močno narasla nejevoljna v skupnosti in spodbudila val protestov po državi. Ti so se sprva dokaj spontano širili, sčasoma pa so prerasli v civilno iniciativo, ki je vsakotedensko (večinoma ob petkih) opozarjala na pereča družbena vprašanja in sporne politične prakse. Ob tem je bilo organiziranih tudi več protestov drugih družbenih skupin, ki so odpirali drugačna vprašanja in podajali svojo kritiko družbenega stanja (na primer t. i. anti-PCT protesti).Tudi serija protestnih fotografij Nika Erika Neubauerja je sprva nastajala spontano, nato pa je v luči vedno večjega vsebinskega strukturiranja protestov prerasla v obsežno zbirko podob, ki danes predstavljajo ne le sistematičen arhiv dogajanja, temveč samonikel pristop k žanru reportažno-dokumentarne fotografije. Prav protestna fotografija ima neredko ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju kolektivne pripovedi o specifičnem protestnem gibanju. Zato v določenih primerih fotografija protestov prehaja iz beleženja v komentar in interpretacijo tiste osebe, ki stoji za objektivom.
Where’s the Afters? is a series of photographs of protest photographs taken by Nik Erik Neubauer between May 2020 and April 2022. During this time, the world entered a previously unknown state of uncertainty, fear and widespread confusion with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. With growing unease, conflicting information and some questionable policy measures, public frustration flared up and sparked a wave of protests across the country. These initially popped up rather spontaneously, but eventually grew into an organised weekly civic initiative – mostly taking place on Fridays – drawing attention to pressing social issues and controversial political practices. In parallel, several protests were organised by other social groups, raising different issues and criticisms of the situation (such as the anti-RVT [Recovered - Vaccinated – Tested] protests).The series of protest photographs by Nik Erik Neubauer also started spontaneously, but then, in light of the increasingly thematic structuring of the protests, grew into an extensive collection of images that today not only represent a systematic archive of what happened in those days, but also a self-contained approach to the genre of reportage-documentary photography. Moreover, it is protest photography that often plays a key role in shaping the collective narrative of a specific protest movement. This is why, in certain cases, such photography moves from recording to commentary and interpretation by the person behind the lens.
Kje je after? je obsežna serija protestnih fotografij, ki jih je med majem 2020 in aprilom 2022 posnel Nik Erik Neubauer. V tem času je sodobni svet prešel v prej nepoznano stanje nesigurnosti, strahu in vsesplošne zmede, ki ji je botroval pojav pandemije covida-19. Z naraščanjem nelagodnosti, navzkrižnih informacij in nekaterih vprašljivih političnih ukrepov, je močno narasla nejevoljna v skupnosti in spodbudila val protestov po državi. Ti so se sprva dokaj spontano širili, sčasoma pa so prerasli v civilno iniciativo, ki je vsakotedensko (večinoma ob petkih) opozarjala na pereča družbena vprašanja in sporne politične prakse. Ob tem je bilo organiziranih tudi več protestov drugih družbenih skupin, ki so odpirali drugačna vprašanja in podajali svojo kritiko družbenega stanja (na primer t. i. anti-PCT protesti).Tudi serija protestnih fotografij Nika Erika Neubauerja je sprva nastajala spontano, nato pa je v luči vedno večjega vsebinskega strukturiranja protestov prerasla v obsežno zbirko podob, ki danes predstavljajo ne le sistematičen arhiv dogajanja, temveč samonikel pristop k žanru reportažno-dokumentarne fotografije. Prav protestna fotografija ima neredko ključno vlogo pri oblikovanju kolektivne pripovedi o specifičnem protestnem gibanju. Zato v določenih primerih fotografija protestov prehaja iz beleženja v komentar in interpretacijo tiste osebe, ki stoji za objektivom.
Where’s the Afters? is a series of photographs of protest photographs taken by Nik Erik Neubauer between May 2020 and April 2022. During this time, the world entered a previously unknown state of uncertainty, fear and widespread confusion with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. With growing unease, conflicting information and some questionable policy measures, public frustration flared up and sparked a wave of protests across the country. These initially popped up rather spontaneously, but eventually grew into an organised weekly civic initiative – mostly taking place on Fridays – drawing attention to pressing social issues and controversial political practices. In parallel, several protests were organised by other social groups, raising different issues and criticisms of the situation (such as the anti-RVT [Recovered - Vaccinated – Tested] protests).The series of protest photographs by Nik Erik Neubauer also started spontaneously, but then, in light of the increasingly thematic structuring of the protests, grew into an extensive collection of images that today not only represent a systematic archive of what happened in those days, but also a self-contained approach to the genre of reportage-documentary photography. Moreover, it is protest photography that often plays a key role in shaping the collective narrative of a specific protest movement. This is why, in certain cases, such photography moves from recording to commentary and interpretation by the person behind the lens.
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