Andrej Lamut
Potop / Plunge, 2018
srebrnoželatinska fotografija / silvergelatine print
24 x 30.5 cm
edicija 1/3 + 1 AP / edition 1/3 + 1 AP
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Mnemosis je tretja obsežnejša fotografska serija v ustvarjalnem opusu Andreja Lamuta, s katero se ta odmika od prikazovanja materialne stvarnosti in gledalcu...
For English version please scroll down.
Mnemosis je tretja obsežnejša fotografska serija v ustvarjalnem opusu Andreja Lamuta, s katero se ta odmika od prikazovanja materialne stvarnosti in gledalcu razodeva prostrane notranje svetove, prepredene z nerazložljivimi, pogosto fantazijskimi podobami. Avtor v svoji seriji Mnemosis raziskuje spremenjeno stanje zavesti, poimenovano dnevna parahipnagogija. To je stanje med spanjem in budnostjo, ki ga spremljajo fantazme, miselni prebliski ali nenadne ideje, ki so pozabljene v trenutku, ko doživetje mine in se posameznik zave svoje okolice.
Mnemosis je utelešenje tistega, kar ostane v zavesti po parahipnagogični epizodi: vizualna materializacija nedostopnih, oddaljenih misli in podob, za katere posameznik ve, da so obstajale v njegovi zavesti, vendar v spomin ne more priklicati njihove vsebine. Lamut s fotografijami iz serije ne poustvarja spominov iz lastnih parahipnagogičnih doživetij, temveč ustvarja arhetipske podobe, s katerimi želi v gledalcu vzbuditi občutke, podobne tistim, ki spremljajo tovrstna doživetja. Lamutove fotografije ne nosijo jasno razpoznavnih sledov časa, prostora ali zabeleženega dogodka. Motivi na njih so v neprestanem ponavljanju, ujeti v brezčasje svojega obstoja.
Mnemosis is a photographic series by Andrej Lamut, in which he deliberately moves away from depicting the material reality to unveil vast inner worlds full of inexplicable, often fictitious images. In the series, the author explores daytime parahypnagogia, an altered state of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness, usually accompanied by flashes of thought, insight or creativity, which are quickly forgotten once the episode has passed.
Lamut understands Mnemosis as the embodiment of what remains after a daytime parahypnagogic experience: the visual materialisation of the distant, inaccessible thought in one’s mind. Photographs from the series do not try to recreate the mental images seen during such episodes, but rather create the atmosphere of experiencing the said mental state. They carry no visual traces of time, space or a specific event. The viewer is left with an impression that what is seen in the images is infinitely repeating; a motif captured in a never-ending circle of its own existence.
Mnemosis je tretja obsežnejša fotografska serija v ustvarjalnem opusu Andreja Lamuta, s katero se ta odmika od prikazovanja materialne stvarnosti in gledalcu razodeva prostrane notranje svetove, prepredene z nerazložljivimi, pogosto fantazijskimi podobami. Avtor v svoji seriji Mnemosis raziskuje spremenjeno stanje zavesti, poimenovano dnevna parahipnagogija. To je stanje med spanjem in budnostjo, ki ga spremljajo fantazme, miselni prebliski ali nenadne ideje, ki so pozabljene v trenutku, ko doživetje mine in se posameznik zave svoje okolice.
Mnemosis je utelešenje tistega, kar ostane v zavesti po parahipnagogični epizodi: vizualna materializacija nedostopnih, oddaljenih misli in podob, za katere posameznik ve, da so obstajale v njegovi zavesti, vendar v spomin ne more priklicati njihove vsebine. Lamut s fotografijami iz serije ne poustvarja spominov iz lastnih parahipnagogičnih doživetij, temveč ustvarja arhetipske podobe, s katerimi želi v gledalcu vzbuditi občutke, podobne tistim, ki spremljajo tovrstna doživetja. Lamutove fotografije ne nosijo jasno razpoznavnih sledov časa, prostora ali zabeleženega dogodka. Motivi na njih so v neprestanem ponavljanju, ujeti v brezčasje svojega obstoja.
Mnemosis is a photographic series by Andrej Lamut, in which he deliberately moves away from depicting the material reality to unveil vast inner worlds full of inexplicable, often fictitious images. In the series, the author explores daytime parahypnagogia, an altered state of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness, usually accompanied by flashes of thought, insight or creativity, which are quickly forgotten once the episode has passed.
Lamut understands Mnemosis as the embodiment of what remains after a daytime parahypnagogic experience: the visual materialisation of the distant, inaccessible thought in one’s mind. Photographs from the series do not try to recreate the mental images seen during such episodes, but rather create the atmosphere of experiencing the said mental state. They carry no visual traces of time, space or a specific event. The viewer is left with an impression that what is seen in the images is infinitely repeating; a motif captured in a never-ending circle of its own existence.
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