Ana Zibelnik
Časomer / Timepiece, 2019-2020
motoriziran mehanizem / motorized flipbook
17 x 17 cm
edicija 3/3 + 1 AP / edition 3/3 + 1 AP
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Smrtniki doživljamo smrt kot smrt. Tako se človek zaveda, da mu zmanjkuje časa; to zavedanje pa se krepi in obnavlja skozi življenje...
For English version please scroll down.
Smrtniki doživljamo smrt kot smrt. Tako se človek zaveda, da mu zmanjkuje časa; to zavedanje pa se krepi in obnavlja skozi življenje samo. Mi smo tisti, ki se obračamo, raziskuje, kako se v vsakdanjem življenju spoprijemamo z "možnostjo nemožnega" - tema, ki sega daleč onkraj strahu pred smrtjo in lahko močno vpliva na naše dojemanje časa. Umetnica ponuja izrazito človeški pogled na smrt, ki ga primerja s prizori iz narave, kjer obstajajo časovnosti, veliko večje od naših. Prozaično združuje s skrivnostnim, sentimentalno z neobčutljivim in tako mehanični tok časa, ki ga simbolizira ura, sooča z našim doživljanjem časa. Gesta vrtečih se rok, ki kot leitmotiv seriji določa ritem, izhaja iz ameriškega znakovnega jezika, v katerem označuje pojem smrti.
Mortals are those who experience death as death. In this sense, human beings are identified by an awareness of the fact that they are running out of time; an awareness which is reinforced and revisited simply by living. We are the ones turning explores how we grapple with the “possibility of impossibility” in everyday life — a topic that extends far beyond the fear of death and can deeply affect our perception of time. Zibelnik offers a distinctly human perspective on death, juxtaposing it with scenes from nature, where temporalities far larger than our own exist. She combines the prosaic with the uncanny, the sentimental with the insensible, thus contrasting the mechanical flow of time, symbolised by the clock, with our experience of it. The gesture of the turning hands, which sets the rhythm of the series as its Leitmotif, is derived from American Sign Language, where it indicates the notion of death.
Smrtniki doživljamo smrt kot smrt. Tako se človek zaveda, da mu zmanjkuje časa; to zavedanje pa se krepi in obnavlja skozi življenje samo. Mi smo tisti, ki se obračamo, raziskuje, kako se v vsakdanjem življenju spoprijemamo z "možnostjo nemožnega" - tema, ki sega daleč onkraj strahu pred smrtjo in lahko močno vpliva na naše dojemanje časa. Umetnica ponuja izrazito človeški pogled na smrt, ki ga primerja s prizori iz narave, kjer obstajajo časovnosti, veliko večje od naših. Prozaično združuje s skrivnostnim, sentimentalno z neobčutljivim in tako mehanični tok časa, ki ga simbolizira ura, sooča z našim doživljanjem časa. Gesta vrtečih se rok, ki kot leitmotiv seriji določa ritem, izhaja iz ameriškega znakovnega jezika, v katerem označuje pojem smrti.
Mortals are those who experience death as death. In this sense, human beings are identified by an awareness of the fact that they are running out of time; an awareness which is reinforced and revisited simply by living. We are the ones turning explores how we grapple with the “possibility of impossibility” in everyday life — a topic that extends far beyond the fear of death and can deeply affect our perception of time. Zibelnik offers a distinctly human perspective on death, juxtaposing it with scenes from nature, where temporalities far larger than our own exist. She combines the prosaic with the uncanny, the sentimental with the insensible, thus contrasting the mechanical flow of time, symbolised by the clock, with our experience of it. The gesture of the turning hands, which sets the rhythm of the series as its Leitmotif, is derived from American Sign Language, where it indicates the notion of death.
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