Simon Chang
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Kurdistan je bil v zadnjih letih pogosto center fotoreportažnega poročanja. Avtonomna regija, ki se razteza čez sever Iraka, Sirijo, Turčijo in Iran, je bila skozi zgodovino premnogokrat izpostavljena nasilju, najbolj nedavno od leta 2014 s strani radikalnih islamskih skupin. Čeprav so mnogi fotografi svoje objektive obrnili k samemu konfliktu, so Simona Changa mnogo bolj zanimale tiste rane naroda, ki so očem manj vidne, prikrite celo znotraj skupnosti same. Med leti 2018 in 2019 je Irak obiskal dvakrat in njegov interes sta pritegnili dve lokaciji – obe hkrati del vsakdanjega življenja, a obenem iz njega odmaknjeni, potisnjeni proč od oči javnosti. Prva je psihiatrična bolnišnica Hawler v Erbilu, druga pa mestna klavnica v Duhoku, manjšem mestu v gorovju Simele.
Kurdistan was, in the past years, often the center of photojournalistic reporting. An autonomous region spanning across the north of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran, it was subjected to violence from Islamic radical groups (most recently) since 2014. But where many photographers turned their lens towards the conflict itself, Simon Chang seemed to be more interested in the less obvious wounds of the nation, ones concealed even inside it. Between two visits to north Iraq – one in 2018 and one in 2019, he became interested in two places existing as part of everyday life yet removed or rejected from the eye of the public. The first was Hawler, a psychiatric hospital in Erbil, the second The Duhok Municipal Slaughterhouse in the mountains of Simele.
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