Sara Rman
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V svojem fotografskem opusu največkrat preizprašujem indeksikalnost samega medija, njegove alternativne funkcije onkraj izključno podobotvornih zmožnosti in arbitrarnosti; že nekaj časa se ukvarjam s tematikami, kot so smisel in nesmisel, paradoks, spomin in halucinacija. V vseh svojih metodah izhajam iz koncepta predrugačitve dvodimenzionalne materije v trodimenzionalni objekt, pri čemer me zanima materialnost kot taka, njene zmožnosti in funkcija. Značilnost mojega dela je, da se skozi čas spreminja, razpade ali izboljša, namesto da bi ostalo ujeto v eni sami obliki.
In my photographic oeuvre I mostly question the indexicality of the medium itself, its alternative functions beyond its purely image-forming capacities and arbitrariness; for some time now I have been dealing with themes such as sense and non-sense, paradox, memory and hallucination. In all my methods, I start from the concept of the transformation of two-dimensional matter into a three-dimensional object, and I am interested in materiality as such, in its capacity and function. A characteristic of my work is that it changes, decays or improves over time, rather than remaining trapped in a single form.