Nik Erik Neubauer
Policist / Police Officer II, 2024
digitalni tisk na arhivski papir / digital print on archival paper
100 x 80 cm, edicija 1/3 + 1 AP / edition 1/3 + 1 AP
125 x 100 cm, 1/1 + 1 AP
125 x 100 x 30 cm lightbox
125 x 100 cm, 1/1 + 1 AP
125 x 100 x 30 cm lightbox
Series: Bel dim, rjav odblesk / White Smoke, Brown Glare
podpisana in datirana / signed and dated
For English version please scroll down. O SERIJI Fotografije v seriji Bel dim, rjav odblèsk je Nik Erik Neubauer posnel med svojim kratkim bivanjem v New Yorku v Združenih državah....
For English version please scroll down.
Fotografije v seriji Bel dim, rjav odblèsk je Nik Erik Neubauer posnel med svojim kratkim bivanjem v New Yorku v Združenih državah. V značilnem surovem in neposrednem duhu ulične fotografije se je osredotočil predvsem na prikaz vsakdanjega življenja v mestu, zaznamovanem z velikimi družbenimi in kulturnimi razlikami, na blišč in bedo metropole, v kateri lahko lagodno živijo le premožni.
V svoji večplastni zgodbi je Neubauer v središče postavil življenje različnih skupnosti, ki s kolektivnim delovanjem omogočajo ustrezne pogoje za čim bolj ugodno in udobno življenje. Pri tem izpostavi tudi dejstvo, da je New York eno najbolj promoviranih in mitiziranih mest, ki si je v 20. stoletju pridobilo sloves gospodarskega in kulturnega centra moči, kjer lahko uspejo le najboljši. V njegovih delih je tako mogoče slediti kritični obravnavi razredne nepravičnosti kakor tudi analizi mehanizmov, ki ljudem vlivajo upanje v boljšo prihodnost. S pomočjo podob analizira idejo o ameriških sanjah, pri tem pa zgodbe posameznikov prepleta z lastnimi predpostavkami, pričakovanji in vizijami.
The photographs in the series White Smoke, Brown Glare were taken by Nik Erik Neubauer during his short stay in New York, United States. Drawing on the characteristic rawness and immediacy of street photography, he focused mainly on the everyday life in a city marked by great social and cultural divisions, on the splendour and misery of a metropolis where only the wealthy live in comfort.
Neubauer's multi-faceted story centres on the lives of different communities that, through collective action, create the necessary conditions for a comfortable and affordable living. He furthermore highlights the fact that New York ranks among some of the most hyped and mythologised cities, in the 20th century gaining a reputation as an economic and cultural acentre of power where only the best players can succeed. His work thus provides a critical examination of class injustice as well as an analysis of the mechanisms that give people hope for a better future. He employs images to analyse the idea of the American Dream, while interlacing the stories of individuals with his own assumptions, expectations and visions.
Fotografije v seriji Bel dim, rjav odblèsk je Nik Erik Neubauer posnel med svojim kratkim bivanjem v New Yorku v Združenih državah. V značilnem surovem in neposrednem duhu ulične fotografije se je osredotočil predvsem na prikaz vsakdanjega življenja v mestu, zaznamovanem z velikimi družbenimi in kulturnimi razlikami, na blišč in bedo metropole, v kateri lahko lagodno živijo le premožni.
V svoji večplastni zgodbi je Neubauer v središče postavil življenje različnih skupnosti, ki s kolektivnim delovanjem omogočajo ustrezne pogoje za čim bolj ugodno in udobno življenje. Pri tem izpostavi tudi dejstvo, da je New York eno najbolj promoviranih in mitiziranih mest, ki si je v 20. stoletju pridobilo sloves gospodarskega in kulturnega centra moči, kjer lahko uspejo le najboljši. V njegovih delih je tako mogoče slediti kritični obravnavi razredne nepravičnosti kakor tudi analizi mehanizmov, ki ljudem vlivajo upanje v boljšo prihodnost. S pomočjo podob analizira idejo o ameriških sanjah, pri tem pa zgodbe posameznikov prepleta z lastnimi predpostavkami, pričakovanji in vizijami.
The photographs in the series White Smoke, Brown Glare were taken by Nik Erik Neubauer during his short stay in New York, United States. Drawing on the characteristic rawness and immediacy of street photography, he focused mainly on the everyday life in a city marked by great social and cultural divisions, on the splendour and misery of a metropolis where only the wealthy live in comfort.
Neubauer's multi-faceted story centres on the lives of different communities that, through collective action, create the necessary conditions for a comfortable and affordable living. He furthermore highlights the fact that New York ranks among some of the most hyped and mythologised cities, in the 20th century gaining a reputation as an economic and cultural acentre of power where only the best players can succeed. His work thus provides a critical examination of class injustice as well as an analysis of the mechanisms that give people hope for a better future. He employs images to analyse the idea of the American Dream, while interlacing the stories of individuals with his own assumptions, expectations and visions.