
Žnidaršič was born in Šoštanj, Slovenia (1938). He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana in 1963. During his studies he took up press and art photography to which he devoted himself fully in subsequent years. As a press photographer he worked for publications »Študentska tribuna« and »TT Tovariš«, and was the editor of photography for the »Delo« daily newspaper from 1974 until his retirement. Beside his work as a press photographer he published numerous photomonographs, such as »Photo Joco Žnidaršič«, »Ljubljana«, »Bohinj«, »Slovene Vineyards«, »A Road to the Father« (Travelling in the Himalayas), »See You at the Market«, »Golf in Slovenia«, »The First Ten Years«, »Slovenia My Country«... These were praised by the critics and have earned him a reputation as one of the most prominent Slovene press and art photographers. He conceived and edited 20 more photomonographs with a significant contribution on his part. Some of the most successful were »The Treasures of Slovenia«, »War for Slovenia«, »Beautiful Slovenia« and »Planica«.


Joco Žnidaršič was awarded the title of excellence in art photography (EFIAP). He has received more then 50 domestic and international awards including World Press Photo Award, the Prešeren Fund Award and the Župančič Award. He received the »Puhar Award for lifetime achievment and »Consortium Veritatis Award« for lifetime achivement in journalism in Slovenia. In 2009, the President of the Republic of Slovenia Danilo Turk conferred on him the »Golden Order for Services« for lifetime achivement in the area of photography and for valuable contribution to Slovenia s visibility. In 2013, the President Borut Pahor decorated him with the »Order of Merrit« for his participation in the project »Slovenia My Country«. He works as a freelance photographer.
