Euro Rotelli
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S kamero želim sporočiti svoje razmišljanje, svoja čustva. Poskušam interpretirati, kar vidim skozi fotoaparat, vendar tudi, kaj čutim v tistem trenutku, kako živim v tej posebni situaciji.
S polaroidno tehniko sem lahko v celoti uresničil svojo željo. S postopkom, ki sem ga izumil sam in mi omogoča, da aktivno sodelujem pri fotografiji, jo upravljam, lahko reproduciram enake občutke, kot jih občutim pred pokrajino, v tem primeru pred laguno. Tako lahko ponovno doživim tiste reflekse na vodi, igro luči in senc, ki se spreminjajo s spreminjanjem časa, melaholije sončnih zahodov, ki me tako zelo očarajo. Spet lahko prisluhnem kriku galebov, šepetu vetra med trstičjem in nežnemu premikanju čolna. Vse postane čarobno, ovito v melanholično vzdušje. Površina slik, tako materična, daje občutek, da se lahko dotaknete trave, ribiških pasti, ki se skrivajo na pesku, hkrati pa stvari prekriva z nežno in megleno tančico, ki včasih ščiti, včasih razkriva. Medtem ko se zdi, da je vse tiho in brez življenja, tu sončni žarek sladko oblije laguno in nenadoma razumeš, da živi, in zdi se ti, da slišiš, kako morje diha.
Through the camera I mean to communicate my thinking, my emotions. I try to interpretate what I see through my camera but, what I feel in that moment overall, how I am living that special situation.
Using Polaroid technique, I could completely realize my need. Through this proceedin invented by me that permits me to take part in the photography, handling it, I can reproduce the same sensations I feel in front of a landscape, in this case the lagoon. In this way can alive again those reflexes on the water, those lights and shadows plays that change as the time change, those melacholy sunsets that charm me so much. I can listen to the cry of a seagull again, the whisper of the wind among the reeds and the soft washing of a boat. Everything becomes magic, wrapped by a melancholy atmosphere. The surface of the images, so matheric, gives the illusion you can touch upon the grass, the fisherman’s traps that crab on the sand and, in the same time, it covers the things with a delicate and misteryous voile that sometimes protects, sometimes reveals. While everything seems silent and without life, here is a ray of sun blows up sweetly the lagoon and you understand that it lives and you seems to hear the sea breathing.