Janez Pukšič
50 x 75 cm
98 x 140 cm
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Na tokratnem sprehodu med poljema fotografije in slikarstva je Pukšič k fotografiranju pristopil igrivo in neobremenjeno. Nemimetične podobe, ki jih zaznamujejo živahne spektralne barve in razgibane, energične poteze, nam omogočajo zgolj uživati v vedrini zasnovanega likovnega motiva, hkrati pa spodbujajo detektivski duh, ki vedo, da je fotografija vedno tudi posnetek realnega sveta, da odkriva, kar je avtor videl. Naloga ni vedno lahka.
On Pukšič’s photographic excursion on the border between photography and painting, his approach to photography is playful and unconcerned. Non-mimetic images, characterised by vivid spectral colors and dynamic strokes, bring us enjoyment in the optimism of the visual motif. At the same time the detective instinct which knows photography is always a recording of a part of reality is awakened. What did the artist see? The answer to this question is not always easy.