Ciril Jazbec
Ciril Jazbec (1987) is a documentary photographer born in Slovenia. He studied management at the Faculty of Economics before moving to London where he studied MA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at the London College of Communication, graduating in 2011. In just a few years of international work he received several awards – amongst them the Leica Oskar Barnack Award and an award at the Les Rencontres d’Arles in 2013, both for his photo story On Thin Ice, which also won MAGNUM 30 under 30 in 2015. He has been working as a contributing photographer for National Geographic Magazine since 2014.
His work has appeared in printed and online magazines – National Geographic, The New York Times, GEO Germany, GEO France, Der Spiegel, The Sunday Times, La Repubblica, WIRED UK, Bloomberg Businessweek, Neu Zürcher Zeitung, Leica Fotografie International, Leica M Magazine, Marie Claire Italy, National Geographic Traveler. His projects took him to Kiribati and Alaska, and later to Uganda and Greenland.
His lens is focussed on sustainability, on man-made changes in nature caused by our constant search for progress and development, which may have a fatal impact on man and his continued life on the blue planet.
For a series of photographs titled The Ice Stupas he took in northern India and were published in National Geographic magazine he received The World Press Photo 2021 (Environment category, Stories, 2nd Prize).
In 2023, Ciril Jazbec was awarded the Meridian Grant by the National Geographic Society, enabling him to spend a month documenting the lives of the young Inuit generations in Greenland together with three other National Geographic Explorers, Lucía Florez, Fausto Pereira and Ulannaq Ingemann.
Pošasti pomladi / Monsters of Spring, 2020
Pošasti pomladi / Monsters of Spring, 2020
Pošasti pomladi / Monsters of Spring, 2020
Pošasti pomladi / Monsters of Spring, 2020
Pošasti pomladi / Monsters of Spring, 2020
Pošasti pomladi / Monsters of Spring, 2020
Pošasti pomladi / Monsters of Spring, 2020
Ledene stupe #0002 / Ice Stupas #0002, 2018–2019
Ledene stupe #0004 / Ice Stupas #0004, 2018 - 2019
Ledene stupe #0027 / Ice Stupas #0027, 2018–2019
Ledene stupe #0032 / Ice Stupas #0032, 2018–2019
Ledene stupe #0044 / Ice Stupas #0044, 2018 - 2019
Ledene stupe #0045 / Ice Stupas #0045, 2018 - 2019
Na tankem ledu #0001 / On Thin Ice #0001, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0003 / On Thin Ice #0003, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0005 / On Thin Ice #0005, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0008 / On Thin Ice #0008, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0011 / On Thin Ice #0011, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0013 / On Thin Ice #0013, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0014 / On Thin Ice #0014, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0015 / On Thin Ice #0015, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0016 / On Thin Ice #0016, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0017 / On Thin Ice #0017, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0019 / On Thin Ice #0019, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0025 / On Thin Ice #0025, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0030 / On Thin Ice #0030, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0037 / On Thin Ice #0037, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0038 / On Thin Ice #0038, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0040 / On Thin Ice #0040, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0042 / On Thin Ice #0042, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0044 / On Thin Ice #0044, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0047 / On Thin Ice #0047, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0049 / On Thin Ice #0049, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0050 / On Thin Ice #0050, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0051 / On Thin Ice #0051, 2014
Na tankem ledu #0055 / On Thin Ice #0055, 2014
FOTOCONA BY GALERIJA FOTOGRAFIJA AT THE SLOVENIAN BOOK FAIR 2023 21 - 26 Nov 2023Some events are organised with the support of the Slovenian Book Agency.Read more -
12 - 15 Nov 2015Paris Photo 2015, Caroussel du Louvre, Uroš Abram, Ciril Jazbec, Euro Rotteli, Matjaž TančičRead more
Iz oči v oči – Galerija Fotografija ob svoji 20-letnici premišljuje o portretu
RTV SLOMay 22, 2024 -
Kratki film Cirila Jazbeca o izginjanju ledenikov v Peruju osvojil nagrado jackson wild media awards
RTV SLOOctober 5, 2023 -
Ciril Jazbec med nagrajenci fotografskega natečaja World Press Photo
RTV SLOMarch 12, 2021 -
Najtežje je fotografirati pekel v raju
DELOMarch 24, 2014