Tereza Kozinc
40 x 26 cm; edicija / edition 7 + 2 AP
150 x 100 cm; edicija / edition 7 + 2 AP
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Tereza Kozinc raziskuje medij fotografije impulzivno, njena dela pa z iskreno, včasih malodane brutalno neposrednostjo beležijo nenačrtovane trenutke vsakdana, ki pritegnejo njeno pozornost. Umetnico spremljamo na prehodu med življenjskima obdobjema, na prelomnici, ko ženska – umetnica postane mama – umetnica. Ustvarjalno dejanje je tako obenem dejanje stvarjenja, vez med stvarnico in ustvarjenim pa ne le nevidna in čustvena, ampak tudi nadvse fizična, biološka in zemeljska. Med tektonskimi premiki, razpadom in ponovno vzpostavitvijo prioritet, ki jih povzroči prej nepredstavljiva teža materinske odgovornosti, predanosti in skrbi za drugega, ostaja temnica za umetnico posvečeni prostor, v katerem se tenzija, ki je povzročila nastanek umetniškega dela, sprosti, razlije in utekočini.
Tereza Kozinc explores the medium of photography impulsively; her works record the unplanned moments of everyday life that catch her attention with a sincere, sometimes almost brutal bluntness. We follow the artist through the transition between two stages of her life, at the turning point when a woman-artist becomes a mother-artist. The creative act is thus at the same time an act of creation, and the bond between the creator and the created is not only invisible and emotional, but also supremely physical, biological and earthly. Between the tectonic shifts, the disintegration and re-establishment of priorities caused by the previously unimaginable weight of maternal responsibility, devotion and care for the other, the darkroom remains the artist’s sacred space. There, the tension that gave rise to a work of art is released, spilled and liquefied.